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Why Is Taking Action Is Like Painting A House

27 18:05:33

Designing a blueprint for your life is one of the most important steps you can take. You must learn how to consciously take action. This week is going to be a dedicated Practice Action Week.

Action steps create a breakthrough from the old patterns. Once action becomes a habit, you can start living your incredible new blueprint.

It's never been easier to be who you've always wanted to be. With just a few powerful action steps you'll be able to follow the phenomenal path of living life as you want to.

You've probably already put a lot of time and energy into creating your life blueprint. Don't stop short by skimping on the finishing touches. An action plan is like painting the interior walls. It completes the whole house.

When building a house you paint the walls, the trim, and add house numbers; you're getting ready to move in. In life, the finishing touche is your take action plan. Small steps that lead you to the finished product a life full of enjoyment. Pick and choose your action steps; watch your life get better and better.

You've already done goal setting, time management, personal inventory and heavy stuff. The finishing steps are the fun stuff, pleasure giving steps. At the end of the week you'll exclaim, "Wow this stuff works."

Goethe, "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world."

Five Action Steps to A Better Life

This week make a plan and take action on five simple things. For the next seven days do each of the five steps once a day. You will be absolutely amazed. Put you life into action.

Step one Write out your action plan. Decide what actions you want to work on. Then take action. Do it.

Here are some suggestions for the week. Keep it simple. Five things you know you will follow through with action:

Allow time for meditation 15-20 minutes a day (required)
Compliment one person every day.
Smile at two strangers.
Call a friend or relative just to say Hi. Pet a dog or cat. Yours of the neighbors.
Volunteer at the hospital, library or retirement home

Step two This is a fun one. Buy something for yourself, something just for you. Think of something that would give you pleasure. It should be something you often deny yourself. It doesn't have to be expensive. Sometimes I want a Baby Ruth or a Butter finger candy bar in the worst way, but I deny myself because I could easily start eating one or two a day; just for today I'm going to allow myself one Baby Ruth.

Keep it simple. Each day of this week, buy one thing for you. Each day, a different thing. Branch out.

Step Three Write down one thing you want to accomplish each day. Do this for seven days. Keep it Simple, one small thing. Mine for today is to dust the Venetian blinds in my office there are two small ones. Should take five minutes max. I've been thinking this for some time. It is a psychic sapper. So when it is done I'll feel good.

You create tons of energy when you complete small tasks. You're going to love this one; heck, you might even keep doing it beyond your seven days. Step four frosting on the cake

Step Four This is a frosting on the cake step. Tell someone you love them. You can write a letter, visit the person or call them on the phone. Email is a bit impersonal. This is an amazing "feel good" thing to do. Not only do you feel better, you make someone else feel terrific. In today's world we no longer do enough of expressing our love for others. Seven days. Think about it.

Step Five Ask a friend to lunch. This is not a business lunch where we found out what can we get from each other. This is a just for fun lunch or at least coffee. One lunch this week. Not every day. Make it leisurely and if you can afford it, you treat. You might find out all kinds of things about yourself by giving of your time and money. At the end of the day check to see how you did.

Napoleon Hill, "Don't wait. The time will never be just right."


Napoleon Bonaparte, "take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in."

Speed up your changes. Create a brave new action plan. Because if you don't take action you have not a plan. Each day, look at your goals, decide to put urgency in your plan by setting time lines. Example: I'll tell my spouse I love them before dinner.

Wake up and meditate. Meditate every morning and read inspirational books. Immediately you see your life will change. Taking action is the finishing touche on your blueprint.

You wouldn't leave you nice new house unpainted would you? Once you've had your practice action week you can rewrite your action steps. Just be sure that you always have a life action plan.

If you only do what you can do, you'll never do much.

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