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Treatment For Allergies Existing In Pets

27 18:04:08
Allergies to animals are very common: up to 15% of people worldwide are likely to have some sort of an allergic reaction in the presence of an animal. For these people, having a pet at home can be quite a challenge, and if the allergy is acute enough, it can be deadly. Allergies to cats are more frequent than dogs. The allergic reaction is the result of the presence of a protein in the cat saliva, urine or dander. This allergen sticks to all surfaces on which the animal treads upon: carpets, furniture etc. Microscopic flakes of dander are also emitted by the animal, resulting in allergic reactions. These allergens can remain in the air for as long as three years even if the animal is not physically present during that time.

Often people ask whether there are any breeds of animals to which they would not be allergic. The simple answer is no. All animals give off dead skin which is a source of allergy. One may be somewhat more tolerant to a certain breed as opposed to others but the allergens are still present. The signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction are not immediately visible. They typically increase gradually when the person is near the animal and, after around 12 hours, peak off. Moreover, the allergens given off by the pet begin to build up in the person home. If the person has not shown any symptoms at the pet store when buying the animal, he is likely to develop the symptoms within a day of the animal entering his home.

It is very hard to conciliate a passion for animals with allergy to them. Sadly, there is no miracle remedy to eliminating the allergy. The pet owner can only limit his contact with the allergen. It is quite impossible to eliminate it completely as long as the pet is in the home and even afterwards. The following mitigation measures can be adopted to reduce the impact of allergens on a sensitive person:

1. Plastic mattresses and pillow covers should be used to shield the furniture
2. Carpets should be replaced with hard wooden floor and washable rugs that can be easily cleaned to remove the allergen
3. Regular cleaning of the house
4. A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter should be used so that allergens can be trapped and not end up back into the air.
5. The bedroom should be completely out of bounds for the pet
6. The pet owner should wear a mask when brushing the pet and should change his clothing immediately afterward

Treatments for allergic reactions are usually not very successful. Allergy shots have only a 50% success rate. New developments are happening, however. A vaccine for people allergic to cats is presently under research. For now, however, it is best to take all the necessary measures to prevent an allergic reaction, and if the allergy is severe, it is best not to have a pet at all.