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Cavalo Cheval Horse Care

27 18:02:32
The horse is a domesticated animal that has been used for various chores and purposes, such as farming the land and for transportation. Today, a horse's use in the farm is fast becoming a thing of the past. So those who still own a cavalo cheval horse should seriously consider just taking care of them especially in their old age.

You may have heard of people actually putting their cavalo cheval horse to sleep when it is older. This is a common practice especially if the animal is deemed to be useless to its owner. But this is a practice that should be stopped because a horse does deserve the right to retire peacefully on a farm or pasture like every other animal. If you have a horse that is not being used for any tasks at all, then consider taking care of the old animal before getting rid of it.

A cavalo cheval horse is already old at the age of 20 but they can live for many years to come. They do not become useless but a little harder to maintain. Keep one as a pet and you will understand. However, it is not as difficult as, say, a cat or a dog. By providing the right food an exercise to your horse, you can still keep a horse for many more years.

Keep four things in mind when caring for a mature horse. These four things include the horse's nutrition, its teeth, the way it adjusts to different environments, and the possible diseases that can be avoided. Keeping these four factors in mind will help the horse be as healthy as it was when it was first born.

Providing Nutrition

Giving an old cavalo cheval horse a fiber-rich diet and de-worming the animal regularly will ensure good health. A bad diet will encourage the introduction of worms in a horse's system and these worms can cause damage to the internal organs of a horse, especially in its intestinal area. It can also lead to damaged blood cells and discourage the absorption of proper nutrients into the horse's system.

Trip To The Dental Vet

A regular schedule to the vet is essential for an older cavalo cheval horse. Find a vet that can specialize in the maintenance of a horse's teeth. Like most animals, the teeth can be the first to receive great damage and a horse needs to be able to bite food properly to be able to eat properly. Tooth problems can lead to a number of conditions like a horse choking on large pieces of food that it could not chew up.


A cavalo cheval horse needs a calm and quiet place, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy life when it is older. Horse's can stress out and when they do, they react to the stress in damaging ways. Some can develop depression and become hard to care for. So if it's cold, keep a horse warm and vice versa if it's warm because it needs to be comfortable to be healthy.


A horse can suffer from conditions like arthritis, anemia, liver and kidney failure, etc. These are things that a cavalo cheval horse should be kept healthy and therefore away from. Provide the right food, vitamins and any prescribed medicines from the vet to your cavalo cheval horse to keep it healthy throughout its whole life.