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Baby Potty Training Guide Step 3 Trying

27 18:01:36
STEP THREE TRYING- So now the main event, trying. This stage can take days, weeks or even months to master. Your little one knows all about the potty chair. Where it is and what it is used for. Now is the time to get them to try it. Just to sit on it. If they disagree with that, then don’t say another word about it. Back up, into the previous stage if need be. Just remember they are the deciding factor, they make the final decision. Just continue to talk about it and let her get comfortable about using it. Try to get them to use the potty once a day. Maybe first thing in the morning or just before bath time. Just before bath time, is a wonderful time to get them to try. Wait until they have been dry for about an hour and then have them get undressed for the bath, then have them sit and wait on the potty. Turn on the tub water, this can get the senses started. Don’t make it a HUGE celebration every time they go potty. It may set them back. Do praise the accomplishment, but try to refrain from calling them a big kid, they may not be ready for that. Have them try once a day or as often as they like. After a few days of trying once a day, try to go more often. Remember they don’t have to go potty every time they sit and try. You are just setting the stage for when they become more successful. You’re just getting them in the habit of visiting the potty. To form any habit you need repetition. With enough repetition you then form a habit. The more you do it after the habit is formed, the more reinforcement you give to that habit and the stronger it becomes. Remember that accidents will happen, DON�T get angry, just clean up and move forward. Remind him that it’s OK. As time goes by and she is emptying on a regular basis, step back and let her remind herself, let her feel in control of when she goes. If she’s always emptying her bladder she’ll never know the real feeling or urgency to go on her own. Remember that distracting play time they can get busy and lose all site of their bodies potty ques, so taking potty brakes are a good idea.