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That Cat Just Sprayed

27 18:09:05
Oh No! That cat is marking his /her territory. When a cat becomes emotional, it seems to spray urine . You may find that cats mark their territory on doors; chair legs; walls; or tables. There are cats that will even spray your curtains. If your cat is marking territory at your home , purchase FELIWAY.

FELIWAY helps to eliminate some of the stress cats seem to have. Often a cat will spray urine under some of these situations:

When around other animals

When hospitalized

Riding in a vehicle

When put in a boarding area.

Around a new cat

When new furniture is purchased

Being around unfamiliar people

FELIWAY has calming pheromones that tends to settle the cat's emotions.

FELIWAY controls many situations a cat may encounter.

Urine spraying

Scratching at furniture

Eliminates anxiety; stress; fear; and anger.

Eliminates cat fighting

Controls cats from urinating outside the litter box

If you love your cat, then it is recommended that FELIWAY be used everyday. FELIWAY should be sprayed where your cat has marked his/her territory.

FELIWAY is available in a diffuser that you can plug in. This is more convenient. Works around the clock 24/7. The diffuser has a scene that changes the personality of the cat. It is much friendlier and happy. Once you have sprayed all the urine markings with FELIWAY, the scent from the diffuser controls the cat from there.

With this pet product for cats , you don't have to face being embarrassed when you have company over at your home. No more worrying about your company being sprayed. You will notice great changes around your home when it comes to the cat.

If you have friends with growling or hissing cats recommend FELIWAY SPRAY. There will be no more chasing or attacking problems from that cat again.

Protect your home and furniture from your cat. Let them know who is the boss in your house. Don't become discouraged , fight back with FELIWAY .

Don't take for granted that your cat may have a health condition causing these problems. Have you veterinarian check your cat out. One of the following conditions could be contributing to your cat's behavior.


Urinary infection


Thyroid problems

Renal failure

Once your cat gets a good health report you can concentrate on controlling it's spraying habits.

Cats are very likable , but can cause serious problems in the house. Cats love to climb on furniture and curtains. Watch out for those little critters. They can be very determined.