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How To Get Your Ex Husband Back � The Real Secrets Revealed

27 18:12:09
There are literally hundreds of articles circulating the web that claim to provide the illustrious pearl of wisdom that will get an ex back! But after critiquing the vast majority of them, I concluded that very few, if any, provide a real, concrete, how to solution! Now at this point of the juncture, you may be asking yourself why in Lords name would he take the time to read tens of hundreds of articles on this subject? The obvious answer would be that I was trying to get my ex back, but that’s not it at all. Well, to be quite honest, I noticed that �how to get your ex back� was one of the most popular searches on the web, and I began to wonder whether anyone was actually providing a real solution for this problem. So, I guess you could say that curiosity got the cat! But moreover, I had in my possession a real, time-tested solution, which I had pioneered and used with great success as a relationship coach since 2004. And, I am going to reveal that solution to you absolutely free of charge. But before I do, let me make the following points perfectly clear:

1.If you are expecting a quick fix that employs mind games and/or jealousy you are reading the wrong article.

2.If you want to forgo owning up to your part in the failing relationship by placing the blame on your ex, there is absolutely no point in reading any further.

3.Getting your ex back requires patience and, most importantly, a willingness to make a personal transformation.

4.If you are willing to invest time, patience, and commitment, then please read on!

OK, let’s get started! First, I would like to list the things you shouldn’t do and explain why you shouldn’t do them! And by the way, these items make up 95% of the material that is offered in the majority of the abovementioned articles!

1.Make your ex jealous
Making your ex jealous to get him back may work initially, but your success will be short-lived when he figures out that nothing has changed? Yes, that’s right � hold the door open for him as he waves goodbye!

2.Play mind games
Even the best manipulators get tired of one upping the partner, and besides what you sow you reap. If that is what you do to your ex, he or someone else will likely do the same to you.

3.Get a Makeover
Certainly, a makeover will help anyone look better and that isn’t a bad thing. But, if you think that is going to get your ex back, you’re kidding yourself!

4.Make your ex curious by using manipulation
Do you really want a relationship that is founded on manipulation, deceit, and lies? This is nothing short of a disaster waiting to happen!

5.Be friends with your ex
Does your ex look at his female friends the same way you want him to look at you? If he does, then he’s cheating on you! If you attempt to be friends with him without fixing the underlying issues, then that is all you’ll ever be. You don’t want to be his friend; you want to be his lover!

6.Go out with your friends
Going out with your friends to take your mind off of the crisis will not fix it or make it go away. If you want to get your ex back, you have to take action � the right action!

7.Buy your ex a romantic gift � especially on Valentines Day
This suggestion reeks of desperation and desperation is not attractive to anyone. If you want to get your ex back you can only accomplish that by attraction. Do not over row the love boat!

8.Be Flexible and agreeable
It’s ok to be agreeable with certain things, but this can quickly escalate into appeasement. And, when you appease others, you generally sell your own self-respect and confidence down the toilet.

9.Don’t contact your ex at all
Most articles will tell you to give your ex space, but it is really a matter of what kind of space. You want some contact, but it should consist of short, happy, and pleasant conversations. Above all, do not talk about fixing the relationship or what your ex needs to fix!

10.Set up a meeting to work out your problems
At some point, you want to meet with your ex, but that should be at his request. And, you should not discuss your problems. Don’t talk about them �FIX THEM!

What you should do

1.Step Back and Remove your Emotions
A relationship break up is a very painful and emotional situation, and when most people are in the mists of such a crisis, they allow their emotions to drive their actions. However, I assure you that injecting anger, resentment, fear, and desperation into the crisis will only worsen it and diminish your chances of getting your ex back. So, unless you want to inadvertently shoot yourself in the foot by completely pushing your ex away forever � Step back, remove yourself, take a few deep breaths, and come to a place of acceptance with the current state of affairs. Yes, that may be difficult, but operating from a place of peace is the only way you’re going to accomplish your goal. Then and only then will you be able to think clearly and take the appropriate action.

2.Draft and Present a Statement of Agreement
Agree with your EX. That's right! Even if you still think your ex husband is wrong! If you talk about where your ex is wrong he becomes more wrong, and if you talk about where he is right he immediately become less wrong. Remember, you can’t change him. Only he can change himself. You see, most people don't release that if they agree and sound sincere to their ex while refraining from defending themselves their ex will actually defend them! They will not only defend them, but in many cases will actually reverse their position. Now, I don't at all mean that you should agree to every request that your ex has and reduce your self respect to the bottomless pit of no return. I want you to agree with what he blames you for, in regard to the relationship crisis. I will admit that this is difficult, and you will be tempted to argue with and criticize your ex in an attempt to change him. However, you must avoid doing so. Focus on owning up to your negative contributions in the relationship. In other words, have you been controlling, critical, jealous, untrusting, or needy? These are the things that need to be sincerely addressed in your statement of agreement. Note: (I will provide a link below for more information on how to draft a statement of agreement.)

3.Change your side of the Equation by Awakening your Feminine Grace
Let’s face it! You are in this situation because something went terribly wrong in your relationship. And, I am completely confident that you and your ex have both contributed to the failing relationship. However, this is not about who’s right or wrong. So, if you are looking to place all the blame on your ex, you may as well sign the (MSA) marriage settlement agreement or waive goodbye as he walks out the door because that’s what is going to happen anyway! Is your ex wrong? Has he contributed to the failed relationship? Of course he has. But you can’t change him! Only he can change himself. So, you may as well stop pointing your finger at the speck of wood in his eye and start paying attention to the log in your own. You see, it is possible to change your side of the equation, and that, my friend, is the very thing that’s going to get your ex to change his behavior and help you get him back. Making a personal transformation and awakening your feminine grace requires self-reflection and an examination of your own fears and insecurities. Do have a lack of trust, a fear of abandonment, or a need to rely on others for love before loving yourself. Are you jealous, controlling, envious, or manipulative? Do you suffer from low self-confidence and a poor sense of self worth? These are the things that must be addressed and changed if you want to attract your ex back.

In conclusion, I would like to offer you some good news about getting your ex back. If you follow the principles I have given you, there is an 80% chance you will get your ex back, and your relationship will be more magical than it’s ever been!

The Relationship Rehab Coach