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Spare Your Pets From Chemical Dog Fleas Medication, Do It Naturally

27 17:23:04

Avoid dog's park during summer and spring
During the summer time, dog fleas and ticks become more and more frequent, they are found everywhere. During this time, it is better to keep your pet away from such dog park and from bushy areas. You can take it for walk to streets or allow it to play in your garden. Take it to a lawn or to a landscape where animals do not come frequently.
During the summer time, dog fleas and ticks become more and more frequent, they are found everywhere. During this time, it is better to keep your pet away from such dog park and from bushy areas. You can take it for walk to streets or allow it to play in your garden. Take it to a lawn or to a landscape where animals do not come frequently.
Treat the lawn with natural products
If there are chances that fleas and ticks are in your lawn then treat your lawn with proper flea control. Some natural flea control contains small worms, which feed on dog flea's larva. By sprinkling such natural flea control, the lawn will be completely free from fleas and ticks. This is really a good measure and this will make the lawn free from all types of pests.
Wash the pet's bed
You will be doing some dog fleas prevention but apart from these, you need to make the pet's bed free from fleas and ticks. Once a week wash the pet's bed with hot soapy water. This will kill all fleas and ticks, their eggs as well. This must be done after the pet is given a bath with a flea prevention shampoo.
The pet's diet
Feed the pet with appropriate diet. The diet must include yeast and garlic; these will make the pet strong internally, and will protect it from flea and tick attack. Dog fleas are allergic to these two things so make sure you feed your pet these stuffs and make them stronger from within.
The right flea prevention
There are various flea preventions available in stores but you must get the right one, as this will prevent your pet from suffering from bad side effects. Most importantly always consult the vet regarding using the medication. Most people use the medication for the first time and without any prior knowledge. The vet will always check the health of the pet and then subscribe it the right flea prevention. In case the pet shows any kind of side effect then take it to the vet immediately. The pet must wear a veterinary cone after the application of the medication.