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How To Help Your Cat To Lose Weight Through Play And Exercise

27 10:10:20
As much as cats love to lounge about, they do need to exercise. A lazy cat will quickly become obese and obesity can lead to a whole host of other health problems such as asthma and diabetes. Obesity is, unfortunately a fairly common condition in cats. Cats that live a life inside apartments and are rarely allowed out are much more likely to be obese than cats who have a plethora of stimuli at their disposal.

The truth is that it is very difficult for a obese cat to lose weight. Obesity sets in when a cats activity level fails to consume as much energy as it takes in. All of this extra food energy is stored away in a cat's body as fat.

If you have come to realize that your cat has become obese, a cat owner's first responsibility is to find a way to reduce this weight. Before you make a big change in your cat's diet, it is wise to first discuss it with your veterinarian. The vet may have some suggestions that can help you make a good decision about her diet and other ways you can consider to help reduce your cat's weight.

The best way to first prevent obesity and reduce a cat's obesity back to a healthy weight is exercise. Cats love to play and you can use this to your advantage. If your cat is nervous or afraid around you, this will be difficult and you may have to spend some time moving slowly if you are going to engage your pet in play.

Luckily for cat owners, cats are playful by nature. There are many types of cat toys in every pet stores for you to choose from. You can ignore "shapes" and "colors" when you consider what toys to buy because cats don't care about these elements. Cats like games that allow them to bring out their hunting and pursuit instincts. Games where cats need to pounce or sneak are especially fun for them.

You may have to try out a couple of toys or cat games before you find one that she likes. You might consider leaving toys in prominent places that she can find and play with on her own. There are some toys that allows you to hang out of your drawers, they have dangling items that engage your cat to jump and hit at them.

Reversing your cat's obesity is going to take some time and you will have to remain patient. The important thing to remember is that in order for play to be effective, it must be done regularly. The occasional game is simply not going to do anything to curb a cat's weight. It will help if you can make a schedule that will ensure regular play times. Naturally, your cat might not necessarily want to play at that particular time, it will take time to understand her routine and preferences but try not to miss a play session whenever possible.

If a cat is uninterested in the toys, try making them more appealing with catnip or treats.