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Cat Nutrition Is Essential For Good Cat Health

27 17:20:19
Cat health and cat nutrition is important for your cat. To give your cat good cat health from the time you bring your pet cat home as a kitten their cat nutrition should be top priority.

A balanced diet which includes protein and carbohydrates (and is low in fat) - plus added vitamins and minerals- will keep your pet cat happy and active for a long time.

To help cat owners understand more about cat nutrition which provide good cat health we at Hills Pets UK have listed the main ingredients and how essential they are to a cat. This list is not exhaustive, but it is useful:

�' The first ingredient is protein. There are many different types of protein, each of them contain amino acids which your pet cat needs for growth and essential body tissue. Protein also provides your pet cat with his or her energy. A young kitten will require more protein as they are more active. Cats are able to digest proteins efficiently and will lose only a small amount by waste. If this was not possible they would lose weight and become out of condition quickly. Some of the main protein rich foods are meat, fish, eggs and milk.

�' Fats provide energy for your cat and the amount they require should be about 9 per cent of your cat�'�"s nutrition. Any excess above that amount would lead to fatty deposits being held under his skin. Essential fatty acids maintain your pet cat�'�"s cell membranes and provide your pet with soluble vitamins.

�' Cat nutrition may not be thought to include carbohydrates as cats are known to be carnivores, therefore it may be that they can survive without. However, cat nutrition is enhanced by carbohydrates which can provide fibre for a cat who is pregnant or a nursing mother. Remember that carbohydrates are also a source of fibre that can help cat digestion significantly.