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Top 10 Important Facts About Cat Dental Health

2016/5/3 11:29:48

Cat Dental HealthBecause of the special needs in maintaining good cat dental health, I’ve compiled a top 10 list of the most important things to remember. Although their needs are similar, cats require a few different steps than dogs.

1. Attention: Close attention to the actions of your cat is vital to monitor not just oral health for cats, but also to monitor the overall health or your pet. Our pet’s actions are how they tell us what’s wrong, pay attention to them.

2. Cat Dental Chews: Chewing hard foods or toys scrubs the sides of your cat’s teeth. This removes plaque and tartar from the tooth surface, helping to avoid further dental issues. Cats that eat canned food should be given these more often.

3. Cat Bad Breath: Bad breath is caused by bacteria living in the mouth. Cats will have some bacteria in their mouth normally; but in the case of oral infection, a sign of advanced dental problems, the bacteria will create a much stronger than normal odor.

4. Brushing: Brushing your cat’s teeth is an excellent way to remove bacteria from your cat’s teeth. Though it may be difficult to get your cat to cooperate.

5. Check Ups: Just like your own dental health, cat dental health requires regular checkups. These are usually performed by your vet at your cat’s appointments.

6. Water: Just like in dog dental problems, cat dental problems can be exacerbated by a lack of drinking water. Your cat’s saliva helps to keep oral bacteria in check. If your cat doesn’t have access to adequate water bacteria can run amok causing a laundry list of problems.

7. Proper Diet: Make sure your cat eats a proper diet containing the necessary building blocks for strong teeth and a strong immune system.

8. Avoid People Drinks: Many of the drinks we consume can have a detrimental effect on cat dental health. Sugary drinks can cause the same complications in cats as they do in people. Milk can sour in your cat’s mouth, causing an explosion of bacteria.

9. Home Inspections: Take a look in your cat’s mouth from time to time. Some cats won’t show any symptoms of even advanced oral issues, inspection can help you find these problems early on.

10. Education: Getting yourself educated is an important way to maintain cat dental health. Ask your vet lots of questions and be sure to read up on educational materials, such as this article.