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Intestinal Worms In Cats At A Glance

27 17:14:51
Worms in cats are a common occurance, especially in kittens, and your vet will test for them once per year. Testing is done by way of a stool sample.

Worms are parasites that feed off of their host. In this case, the host is your cat. There are a number of cat parasites, but there are three major players when it comes to intestinal worms.

Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms are the main types of worms found in cats. Fecal exam is the method of diagnosis and should be done during an annual check up.

Typically, cats that share litter boxes will all be afflicted. A fecal sample from one cat, therefore, is usually sufficient to determine if an infestation exists in the home. By the same token, it is recommended that treatment be given to all cats sharing litter boxes if one of them is infected.

Let's have a look at more detail on each of the major types of worms that attack cats.

Roundworms - Roundworms (Toxocara Cati) look like spaghetti, and are usually only visible when vomited up. Kittens can become infected with roundworm via their mothers. This is the case even if the mother cat shows no signs of infection. The encysted form of the roundworm lies dormant in the mother cat, and is passed to the kitten. Usually, even if test results are negative, veterinarians will worm kittens 2-3 times to be sure.

As a cat matures, a natural immunity develops against this worm. As a result, adult cats rarely experience roundworm infestations severe enough to cause illness.

Hookworms - Hookworms literally "hook" themselves to the inside wall of your cat's intestines. Since hookworms are tissue feeders, they can cause blood loss, which results in anemia. Other symptoms may include intestinal illness, poor hair coat, and weight loss. The good news concerning hookworms is that most of the roundworm treatments will also kill hookworms. You should note that at least two treatments are needed to rid your cat of this worm.

Tapeworms - Tapeworms consist of segments containing eggs. The segments drop off the worm, and along with the eggs are passed in the stool. They then dry out and begin to look like grains of rice and are fairly easy to spot. You'll sometimes see them in heavily traveled areas or around the cat's anus. Cats with these worms have been known to experience anal irritation and exhibit excessive licking.

Since these worms are transmitted by fleas, flea control is essential. Your cat eats the flea after the flea eats the tapeworm egg. The tapeworm then lives in the intestinal tract of your cat, and is able to start the process over.

Usually, there will be no visible signs of illness in your cat from tapeworms. Remember that as long as there are fleas, your cat is at risk. Until you completely get rid of the fleas, a potential tapeworm problem exists.

Your cat may have intestinal worms, but show no signs of illness. Cat parasites, like any illness, put undue stress on your cat. Keeping your cat's immune system up to speed is therefore vital. That includes not only regular vet visits, but also exercise, high quality cat food, and the room to play.