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How To Take Care Of Your Cat

27 17:19:35
If you've just gotten a new cat or kitten, or are thinking of doing so, cat care is something you ought to pay attention to. There is a brief guide to take care of your cat .
Providing proper veterinary care and regularly grooming your cat are good ways to practice preventative care. Routine grooming, assessing your cat's health and watching for any changes in her condition will help keep her healthy and happy.

Most areas require your cat in a household to be registered. Keep your cat inside your home for their safety. Train them to wear a collar with your cat's name and your telephone number to distinguish your cat from street cats. Identification helps someone to contact you if your cat is lost.

Kitty cats should be neutered or spayed. Female cats come into their first heat cycle between five and seven months. Spaying eliminates the problem of a female attracting male cats. A male cat who is not neutered can spray urine, which has a strong odor. Keep your cat well fed by giving them a balanced diet. Take it to your vet regularly.

Vaccinations should be current.

Scratching & Spraying

Scratching is important for your cat. So don't punish it for clawing the furniture, unless you have provided your cat with a scratching post or the like. If your cat has already scratched something, cover the item with plastic and she will likely turn to the post instead. Try spraying your cat with water from a squirt bottle. If it continues scratching on the furniture then use a firm "no." When your cat scratches the post, reward your cat with a High Five!


Males and females spray urine to mark their territory, Males do it more than females.. Get rid of this problem. Just spay or neuter the cat. Marking their territory begins when they feel their territory is threatened, such as bringing a new pet in the house. There also may be some underlying health problems that may be causing this behavior. So see your Vet.ay have a pronounced effect on their weird ways. Your cat will eventually adapt.

Cats like stability so a social change m
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