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Anxiety Problem In Dogs, Cats And Other Pets

27 17:18:16
Anxiety may be a symptom of sign of some internal organ disorders as well as mental problems that might be persisting in your pets. So to investigate a case of anxiety we start by observing the Heart system, the reason for doing so is that this part of the body is trusted with responsibility of governing the blood flow and vessels. Also since the heart is the part or pump that circulates blood all over the body parts thus mental health as well as health of mind and mood is deeply linked with heart.

The term Anxiety means a de-synchronisation or disturbance in your pet's mental blocks that may be caused in some or the other parts of body because its link with heart is not working properly. This is why to address anxiety in dogs and cats search for signs and symptoms of disorder in the cardiac system and that most often that not gives us a clue to why the pet is undergoing such a situation.

The most probable cause of anxiety is Heart-Fire. The Heart is house of living spirit and belongs to the fire element (there are total 5 elements that make up the living beings and fire is one of them).
So if any other organs linked with heart develop extra heat (such as liver or kidneys ) then there is excess heat in the heart and that causes anxiety.

The dominant symptoms which point to the Heart Fire problem are usually located in the upper body areas and following (one or more signs may be present) may be signs that your dog or cat has a heart fire issue going on.

�Having extra redness on the tip of tongue
�Having significant cracks on the tongue
�Irritated and attacking moods and anxiety (lack of tranquility or stable moods)
�Any types of sores inside their mouth,
�Lack of sleep and Redness in eyes
�Dry mouth and throat
�Bladder infections which repeat again and again

The long story short, when there is anxiety your pets will show signs of heat and above signs should help you decide that there is a problem with your pet.

Treatment of anxiety can be performed by modern English medicines as well as natural herbal methods but the later (herbal courses) have to be carried out for a shorter period of time and have no side effects.