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Heartworm Medicines Are Preventative And Protective.

27 17:16:51
Dogs can die of heartworm, so do you want to take the risk with a treatment that is not grounded in scientific research?

Offering protection against heartworms, fleas, ticks and other parasites, Revolution is the product that pet owners have been waiting for.

Sentinel is the only other heartworm preventative medication for dogs that can also provide flea control in one convenient dose.

Dog heartworms are easy to prevent with so many heartworm control measures available.

You may come to realize, that with proper care, heartworms can become just as easy to deal with and prevent as those annoying fleas!

Anyone living in an area affected by heartworms should have their dog on some type of heartworm preventative medication, just as you would use a flea and/or tick control product for your dog for those parasites that you can see. It is much wiser to prevent heartworms than to wait until your dog is infected with heartworms and needs a much harsher heartworm treatment.

You veterinarian can prescribe the heartworm preventative that he recommends and you can generally purchase these products from your veterinary clinic or from a reputable online store.

With so many good and easy preventative dog heartworm medications available, heartworms in dogs should be a thing of the past.

Interceptor, by Novartis, eliminates the tissue state of the heartworm larvae. It also works by killing the adult stage of intestinal worms.

Novartis makes Interceptor heartworm prevention medication available worldwide, however their website is only directed towards the United States.

If you select the option of non-US residents, a disclaimer pops up to say that any other site which sells Interceptor heartworm medication for dogs and cats is not under the control of the parent company and therefore Novartis cannot take responsibility for the content or conduct of the site.

Therefore, you should use the main United States website for the information that you need on Interceptor.

The website also offers a monthly email reminder service to alert pet owners to the fact it's time to use Interceptor for dogs or cats again.

When you purchase Interceptor for your dog, you are selecting an effective heartworm preventative medication that will also provide the added benefit of controlling roundworms, hookworms and whipworms in your dog.

As Interceptor only protects against internal parasites, you will need to purchase additional products to prevent fleas and ticks on your pet. You may want to try Advantage flea control medication or Frontline for fleas and ticks. Revolution is another good option as it works for heartworms, fleas, ticks, some intestinal worms and mites and mange.