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Info On Cats And Cat Supplies

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Cats are very sweet, cute and attractive pets that anyone would love to own and have in there house with them. Cats are a small carnivorous class of crepuscular creature and she is often a good companion to humans. Cats have been mentioned in history since 10,000 years back.

Cats make good house pets as they are very flexible in nature and can adjust according to your home environment. Cats are smart animals and hence can observe and learn things but some extra training can do a lot of good. You can easily teach your cat to do things like opening the door using knobs with ease. Also cats use different vocalizations and different types of body languages to communicate to the owners. Some of the different types of vocalizations include:








Cats can grunt and even scratch. You need to be aware of the latter because thy can scratch your arm or legs and then it will pain. Normally, cats don’t scratch unless they have been instigated. If you step on her tail of pull her ears then you can expect her to scratch or bite. Of course, with time, training and a lot of patience, your cat will learn not to scratch you or bite you.

According to statistics, there are 75 million pet cats across the world. Cats were quite popular in ancient Egypt where they were worshipped by people to get wealth and good blessings from god. Today, cats are domesticated animals and the only one who is a pet from the cat family. Cats have different types of health problems and some can be quite severe. Cats are prone to diseases like cancer, immune system problems or disorders, respiratory problems, heart problems, digestive system disorder and much more. Hence, it becomes imperative that she gets her daily dose of nutritional food and supplements so that it enables her growth and also keeps the doctor away.

Cats love fish and meat, so you can provide her with that apart from generous amounts of anti-oxidants, carbohydrates, vitamins etc. Carbohydrates are one of the most important sources of energy for cats and you can buy food that contains 30% to 70% carbohydrates. You can buy them from pet stores as they are available under cat supplies. Soluble carbohydrates are also good and can be derived from plant starch. They are good and can be easily consumed by your cat. The starch normally gets broken down in the digestive tract of the cat and is available in the form of corn, wheat, oats, barley and rice.

As we speak of cat supplies, there are many different products that are used to feeding a cat. Cat supplies can include everything from cat food to cat furniture, cat litter box and many other things that make your cat feel comfortable and aid in her growth. One of the important part of cat supplies is a warm cat bed.