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How To Help Care For Aging Cats

27 17:17:54
Aging cats are going to take a little more looking after as they get older and visits to the vet should become more regular to ensure that any problems are dealt with before they become a bigger worry and concern.

Older cats, in general, will need a little more comfort as they are not as lively as they once were and giving them a nice soft surface to sleep on, away from drafts and in the warmth, will ensure that they remain in good health for longer.

Quite often cats will find a favourite place to sleep and as they are very clean animals, this place will need to be cleaned on a regular basis or they may move to other sleeping areas after a while.

There are some excellent cat beds available on the market designed to be very comfortable. They are relatively cheap and most of them are designed to wrap around your cat as they lie in their natural curled up sleeping position.

This gives your cat support and also a sense of security. The better cat beds are made of materials that can be easily washed and dried to help maintain cleanliness and ensure that your cat stays in that same place most of the time.

One of the biggest problems that you need to consider as your cat ages is to have their teeth checked on a regular basis, as teeth problems are one of the biggest causes of ill health in older cats.

In fact it has often been said that cats that live the longest are those that don't have any teeth left.

They can get a build up of plaque on their teeth and this can cause gum problems.

These gum problems can cause infections that lead to the deterioration of their internal organs and a reduction in their quality of life and in the length of their lives.

Arrange to get your cat's teeth checked at least once every six months as they get older.

Some breeds of cats and more prone to teeth problems than others and a lot of this depends upon the type of food you are feeding them and also the way that they eat. Some cats like to chew more than others, with the chewing helping to clean plaque off their teeth.

Being aware of ways that can help you to care for aging cats must surely be in your, and your cats, best interest.