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Pet Moving Tips For The Summer

27 10:10:11
Summer is normally a time for enjoying the great outdoors and relaxing in the sunshine. However, it is also the season for moving and some of you might be dreading having to transport your pet during these hot months.

Flying your pet or traveling with them for long car journeys in the heat will require you to take extra precaution.
Therefore, Move One's Pet Transportation experts have put together a list of tips for moving your pet this summer!

  • Groom your pet's coat properly, especially if their hair is long. Ideally, you should shave their fur down to one inch in length, which will avoid them overheating, whilst still keeping the skin protected from the sun.

  • Use a spacious crate with four-sided ventilation enabling air to circulate, avoiding any overheating or suffocating.

  • Avoid thick padded bedding; instead, use a thin kennel pad to avoid creating extra warmth.

  • Attaching a kennel fan to the front of the kennel is also an option to keep air circulating. But bear in mind that a number of airlines might not allow these on the flight.

  • Always have fresh water available as your pet can dehydrate very easily on long trips. Also remember to change the water frequently as heat will tend to breed bacteria.

  • Don't feed your pet right before starting the journey.

  • Some airlines may have heat embargoes during the hotter months, so check with your airline when booking your flight.

  • Avoid sedation unless otherwise recommended by your vet, and bear in mind that some airlines will not accept sedated pets.

  • For a long car journey, make sure you stop frequently (every two or three hours) to let your pet get some fresh air and a run around. Never leave your pet alone in your parked car.

  • Don't let your pets stick their head out of the car window; this can be dangerous due to flying debris and the wind will dry out their eyes.

  • Try to travel during the cooler times of the day or even over night.

For further information on moving with your pet during the summer, our general pet transportation services or if you would like to book your pets specific relocation with us, please contact us at [email protected]. One of our dedicated animal relocation agents will follow up with you shortly with a quote tailor-made to your needs.