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Cats - Their Life Stages

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Just like babies kittens grow extremely quickly, in a blink of an eye your kitten will turn into a young cat and when you look again, they'll be a full grown adult cat. Below are the major milestones in your cats life.

New Born Kittens

Kitten like most newborns are completely dependant on their mothers, they are born blind, at this stage they learn how to feed. After kitten's eyes have opened they will be keen to explore, by 4 weeks old they will be play fighting with the other kittens in the litter. Four weeks is a suitable age to teach the kitten how to use a litter box, if you're lucky you may find that the mother does this for you. It is at this age that the mother would supplement her kittens diet with small wild animals so begin weaning the kittens on to kitten food.

A Six Week Old Kitten

Your kitten will be egar to explore by this age, if your kitten had been reared in the wild then their mother would still bring back small animals, but these would no longer be dead. This allows the kitten to develop important skills. You may find it beneficial to give your kitten toys that would mimic their natural environment such as wind up mice. At 8 weeks old the kitten should be fully weaned onto kitten food and litter trained. It is at this age that kittens are ready to go to a new home, any earlier than this can cause serious health problems.

The Next Months in your Cats Life

Over the next few months, you'll notice that your cat goes through a huge growth spurt just like babies do. They will need their vaccinations which prevent them from some of the most deadliest threats to your cats life. You will need to teach them what is acceptable behaviour and that plucking on the sofa is not allowed. You may want to teach them how to use a cat scratching post if you haven't already done so. If you have a long haired cat then you should get your cat used to grooming, if you make it a regular and positive experience both you and your cat will enjoy it.

This stage is the adolescent stage for cats, they tend to get moody just like your average teenager. This teenage like cat behaviors usually starts around 5 months and lasts until your cat is a year old. You'll discover that they are more aggressive when they play. Your cat should be neutered at 6 months to prevent any further kittens, this will also help with their stroppy tendencies. At six months, your cat will look like a perfect miniature of a fully grown adult cat.

Adulthood Stage in Cats

Your adult care will continue to go through various stage, just like adults but you will find these stages quite subtle and may go unnoticed. Ensure your cat is getting all their nutritional requirements by purchasing cat food which meets their needs such as cat food for nursing queens or senior cats.