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Tainted Pet Food And Compensation Rights For Your Sick Dog Or Cat

27 17:50:30
Most pet owners love their pets more, in some instances as much or perhaps even more than a human being. They look upon their pets as life long
companions and as friends.

These friends loyal, they offer comfort, empathy, support, and unconditional love. In turn pet owners treat their pets with great affection and offer the best they can afford and sometimes the best, even if they can not afford it.

Divorces often lead to fierce bitter battles over the custody of an animal. Sometimes divorcees spent as much money fighting over the custody of a cat or dog, or other animal as they do fighting over custody of their children. Some divorces are even initiated as result of a pet and it is not unusual for unmarried couples to end their relationships over pets.

When our pets get sick it is not unusual for pet owners to spend hundreds or even thousand in medical treatment. Some of us even forego medical care for ourselves, but not for our pets. For whatever reasons, we love our pets so much we are willing to sacrifice other things to insure our pets are cared for.

Some of you may have heard of outrageous donations made by the general public for an injured animal or a lost dog. We have seen vast resources spent fetching a puppy out of a gutter or a rescuing a cat from a hole. We have seen men and women risk their lives rescuing cats from trees. More often than not a cry, for help for a young child needing medical care falls on deaf ears, but the same is not true for a puppy needing surgery. Donations for animals, more often than not, will beat donations for our fellow human beings. Regardless of any one's individual feelings, pets are highly regarded and any type of abuse or suggestion of abuse can lead to dire consequences.

So, how does the legal system treat pets? How much are you entitled to get from a tortfeasor that injures or kills your cat or dog or other pet ? In recent weeks tens of thousands of pet owners throughout the country have been asking about this very question. They want to know about their rights as pet owners and about the individual rights of their pets.

Tainted pet food has made its way throughout the country and allegedly killing or making cats and dogs sick throughout the country. Some owners look upon their ill companions and wonder about how much they are suffering or have suffered and contemplate the idea of a lawsuit. Some have gone further and have discussed the matter with an attorney, and further still some have retained attorneys and have actually filed lawsuits.

What most pet owners are surprised to find out is that despite our relationship with our pets the laws do not reflect the same degree of protection for out pets. For the most part pets are not much different than any other item in your home.

There are no personal injury rights for animals and a lawsuit cannot be brought on behalf of the pet for personal injury. Even if an animal's pain and suffering is real, it is not a cause of action, meaning they cannot sue and pet owner cannot sue on their behalf.