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Homemade Kitten Food: Pros And Cons Of Using Homemade Kitten Food

27 17:46:11
To start we will discuss the negatives of using homemade kitten food and then go to positives of using homemade kitten food.

There is nothing easier then just opening a bag of food to feed your cat. When you make your own kitten food it reguires you to set some time aside every few days to prepare it.

The more your cats eating habits resemble what he would eat out in the wld the longer he will live. Plus, the more you make your own food the shorter amount of time it will take you.

In the beginning, making your own kitten food can be more costly. A kittens diet consists of raw meat and vegetables.

Over time you will actually save money by feeding your cat homemade kitten food. When your cat gets the nutrition his body needs he has a stronger immune system so he will get sick much less often. That means less money on vet bills. You will still have to get your kitten his shots but you will be taking a sick cat to the vet a whole lot less. Also, when your kitten gets the nutrition he needs he will eat less everyday.

You also need to make sure you do your homework. Cats have allergies to some of our food and some of are food is even poison to them.

Cats are lactose intolerant. Milk will not kill your kitten but it will make him feel bad. Tomatoes, onions, and garlic are posion to cats. They should not eat anything that is in the same food groups as those.

Like all things, when you know the rules and follow them, it becomes easy to do.