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Cat Loss And What To Do With Your Cats Things

28 11:19:54
Losing a beloved cat is painful enough without having to go through the tough
choice about what to do with its things.

For some people, it's just too difficult to have to see their cherished cat's
toys and bowls, because they are constant reminders that their cat is gone
and is not coming back.

For others, it's even more painful to have to put those things out of sight,
because more than anything, they notice the void left by their pet's absence.

Just know that you need to do whatever feels right for you. There is no right
and wrong when it comes to this situation.

In my own case, I left things out when my precious pet died. It was hard
enough to lose him without making it seem even more final by putting his
things out of sight.

Of course, it was painful to see his things, knowing that he would never be
using them again. But for me it felt somehow disrespectful to put them out of
site right away. I didn't want to erase him from memory.

Different people feel differently about this.

From a spiritual standpoint, you may want to leave your cat's things around
for a few days. Some people believe that their pet's spirit hangs around for
a few days because it takes them a while to make the transition, just as it
takes you a while to get used to not having them there.

Whatever you do, know it's right for you. Don't worry about what other people