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How Do Cats Communicate?

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How Do Cats Communicate?

How Do Cats Communicate?. Like many other species, cats have the ability to communicate. Depending on what their feeling, cats will portray their emotions differently through varying forms of communication. Therefore it is valuable for cats owners to understand what their pet is telling them.

How Do Cats Communicate?

Cat Communication

Like many other species, cats have the ability to communicate. Depending on what their feeling, cats will portray their emotions differently through varying forms of communication. Therefore it is valuable for cats owners to understand what their pet is telling them.

Happy Cat or Mad Cat

When cats are happy in their surroundings, they will display their joy in a few ways. The most common and obvious display of happiness is purring. Along with purring, cats also rub on objects, knead and even playfully bite in order to express they are at ease. However, while soft biting is a sign of joy in cats, felines will also use biting to indicate they are angry or annoyed. Cats, when upset, will also scratch, hiss or puff up their tail and arch their back.

Feline Body Languae

Besides the basic good or bad mood, cats also display feelings with interesting body language. For instance, a cats tail that is straight in the air is a friendly greeting. Yet a tail that is sweeping side to side indicates a cat is about to attack something. A cat with their ears straight up is simply listening. However, ears that are back against a cat's head warn they are irritated and aggressive.