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How To Prepare Your Cat To Utilize His Scratching Post

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How To Prepare Your Cat To Utilize His Scratching Post


Do you know why your kitty scratches your fave piece of furniture and are wondering what you may do to terminate it?

The primary rationale for this behavior is not to drive you nutty, but to take off old nail sheaths to keep their nails in prime condition. The stretching action is also worthwhile too. If your cat scratches everything in sight, do not despair, you can guide your kitty to scratch alternate objects.

First off, you will require a scratching post. The prime item to look for when purchasing a scratching post is to make sure the post is high-reaching enough to give your kitty the most most advantageous stretching action. You will moreover want your post to possess a sturdy foundation so it will not topple over at the same time your kitty scratches.

A scratching post covered in string such as a Sisal scratching post is more suitable than posts overlaid in carpet. If you use a carpeted one your cat may associate it with all carpeted areas, not good, this you don't need. Of course, each and every kitty is different, if you anticipate you would as a matter of choice have a carpeted scratching post, therefore by all means do so.

Tips To Encourage Your Cat Prepare To Scratch His Post And Not Your Household goods

1. Wipe your cat scratching post with a little cat nip, cats love cat nip.

2. Attach a few toys from the post to throw your cat a tiny enticement.

3. Situate the scratching posts in accessible areas, specifically in front of arms of chairs and sofas or in whatever place it is your cat does his no-no scratching.

4. Quietly and softly rub your cats' paws over his post to place his scent on it. Marking his scent is a beneficial means to let your pet know that its his.

5. Rave over your kitty the whole time he does accept his post. You could even render a little goody for his good conduct.

6. Be tolerant and warm-hearted, success will come.