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Cat Spraying: Identify The Cause And Solve The Problem

27 14:10:24
Cat spraying is a behavioral problem that most cat owners will have to deal with at some point. It occurs when a cat wishes to mark its territory, and it does so with a spray of urine onto the wall, a piece of furniture, or anything else that gets in the way.

Cat urine is full of pheromones, which are chemicals that animals secrete to communicate with one another. When your cat sprays, it is most likely either trying to attract a mate, trying to repel a rival, or just showing that it is stressed about something.

As innocent as the reasons behind cat spraying may be, it is a behavior that even the most devout cat lovers want to eliminate. Don't be tempted to punish your cats for spraying - after all, they are just doing what's in their nature. The easiest and most effective way to stop cat spraying is to have the cat neutered. Since most incidents of spraying occur due to a desire to mate, removing the desire to mate will most likely stop the problem.

If you can't get your cat neutered, or neutering doesn't stop him from spraying, you should think about figuring out the source of the problem that's causing your cat to spray. If he doesn't get along with another cat in the environment, try separating them for a time. Cat spraying can also be due to a medical problem, and is something you should discuss with your veterinarian.

Thoroughly clean up every area that your cat has sprayed, so that your cat will be less tempted to spray the same area again. Cat pheromones often cannot be detected by the human nose, so use a potent antibacterial cleanser to be sure that you're removed every trace of the spraying.

A cat behaviorist can help you get to the bottom of your problems with your cat by reviewing the steps you've already taken and what your living situation is like. There are many reasons why a cat will have behavior problems, including his home, his food, his health, or his lack of companionship. Your vet can also help you work this out.

It is very hard to understand the behavior of cats, but you may find that there is a logical explanation for your cat's spraying and other harmful actions. Since cats cannot speak, they have to communicate by other means, such as clawing, spraying, or crying.