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Techniques On Removing Cat Urine Smell: Pet Smell Removal Discussed

27 14:07:31
Cat owners know for a fact that the smell of urine from their pets can be really irritating and can even make some people unhealthy. Removing cat urine smell, therefore, is an important task, which may not be as easy as a breeze, but, is something that can be done. How? Here are some ways of eliminating pet odor that you can try in order to bring about effective pet smell removal:

Do not think of just giving your kitty away or throwing it out of the house because it urinates inside your home. It may have a behavioural issue or it may be suffering from a medical condition that causes it to urinate frequently. It is best to take it to the vet for check up so you'll know the reason for its behavior and so that you can find the right ways to 'toilet train' it and stop suffering from the smell of urine in your house.

Removing cat urine smell effectively also means that you first have to become aware of the actual compositions of your cat's pee. Uric acid, urea, and urochrome make up urine. Uric acid is responsible for making the urine's smell really pungent. Urea makes the pee sticky. Urochrome causes the yellow color of your kitty's urine. Urea and urochrome are easy to get rid of. Uric acid isn't.

One of the things you should do for eliminating pet odor or for real pet smell removal is use a piece of cloth to soak up most of the urine, and then, combine warm H20 and white vinegar, and use that for cleaning and for scrubbing the actual area where your kitty peed on. Use a rug or a cloth again to soak up the liquid, then, rinse with clean water, and repeat the process a couple of times more to ensure that your task of removing cat urine smell becomes effective.

Another step you can take to make the smell of urine disappear is to sprinkle some baking soda on the spot. Next, mix some hydrogen peroxide with little amounts of dish detergent, place over the baking soda, spread that mixture on the area, leave that on for a few minutes, and then vacuum it out if eliminating pet odor is your goal. If you still notice some odor and you need more pet smell removal to take place, repeat the process until the odor leaves no trace at all.

In the event the stench of the pee comes from the outside e.g. your yard or garden, removing cat urine smell can be done with the use of charcoal plus some water, and then, sprinkle on the area using a watering can.