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Simple Pet Grooming Solutions

28 11:19:42
As warmer weather arrives, your pet may be prepared for a "spring cleaning" of his own. & whether you are spiffing him up for his seasonal debut at the dog park, or a promenade around the yard, grooming your pet also has health benefits -- such as helping to prevent ear infections.
To help you groom your pet at home, they got answers to some of the most often asked questions about primping your pet.
Am I able to bathe & shampoo my cat at home?
Show felines are bathed regularly. Although regular pet felines show considerable displeasure, it is feasible to bathe them.
Unless your cat is infested with fleas & needs a special shampoo -- or is so soiled that catlike self-grooming fails -- most felines go a lifetime without visiting that kitchen-sink "spa." Here's how to do it:
one. Provide secure footing (a rubber mat or small towel) on the bottom of the bathing space (sink, pan, tub, shower stall) & have a technique of wetting & rinsing the cat's fur (sprayer, water glass) with warm water.
two. Even "gentle" & "no tears" cat shampoo products ought to be diluted (five parts water, one part shampoo) before applying.
three. Put a tiny cotton in each ear to keep water out.
four. Pre-wet the fur with warm water & work the diluted shampoo solution through the fur -- in the direction of hair growth -- all the way to the skin.
five. Wash facial areas with plain water & a soft cloth -- keeping shampoo away from sensitive places.
6. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.
7. Apply conditioner, if needed for a longhaired cat, according to instructions -- & rinse again.
8. Towel-dry.
How do I neat my dog's ears?
A dog's ear canals, regardless of the size of the dog, are fundamentally L-shaped. Avoid Q-tips or other pointy probes, & use your littlest (pinky) finger, soft cotton (from cotton balls, wrapped around the finish of your finger), ear-cleaning liquid (such as Epi-Otic brand) from your veterinarian; & a towel, because this is going to get messy.
Gently hold the dog's head & squirt a few drops of ear-cleaning liquid in each ear. This will make the dog shake his head -- so watch your eyes -- but the shaking will distribute the liquid & perhaps loosen earwax & other gunk. Again holding the dog's head, reach your tiny finger with the cotton wrap as far in to the canal as feasible (the bottom of the L if feasible, but not around the bend to the ear drum) & carefully pull the finger outward. If you are getting lots of blackish wax & other gunk, repeat the liquid & cotton technique.
If ear cleaning causes the dog great pain (beyond moderate discomfort & grumbling discontent) an infection could be brewing & you'll need to see a veterinarian immediately. Serious infections can damage a dog's hearing, & need professional medical treatment.
Head-shaking and/or ear-pawing can be a sign that the dog needs attention to his ears. Get to know the smell of a healthy ear canal -- a neutral-to-sweet, beeswax kind of smell in most canines. An infected ear smells much, much worse.