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Pet Nutrition And How It Affects Your Pets Health!

28 11:49:54
Having written a previous article on what pet foods are comprised, I feel it necessary to relay additional information as to how nutrition affects your pet's welfare. My previous article can be found on Google under the title: Pet Nutrition and Health-Be Cautious.

Sometimes a pet can give off an unpleasant odor, the source can be elusive as it can be from breath, infections such as ear or toe, or a bad body odor.

We had such an instance with our son's Black Lab pup named "Bruiser". Bruiser was being fed a popular (not cheap) puppy chow and appeared healthy and happy. Bruiser produced an odor which when in the same room became a bit obnoxious. Because of my recent research of pet foods we started buying what we considered a very high quality premium food we considered to be of a "Natural" nature. The odor was reduced by a great amount, but not really gone. In my research I found a pet food company that produced also a "Natural" product, but certifies it's ingredients by a third party to verify the quality and freshness of the raw products.

This food created quite a change in Bruiser, his doggie odor had disappeared and his hair coat had more luster. Bruiser apparently felt the nutritional uplift, because he was even more lively as before, but an unanticipated result was the fact he now eats less than before (a reduction of over 30%). This fact makes the cost comparable or more economical than other premium foods.

We recently "Grand Pup" sat for Bruiser when our son was visiting his two sisters out of state for College spring break. Bruiser showed our two mature large dogs a thing or two about being active. His day activity was never ending, but his nights were very quiet for all of us.

We are thoroughly convinced that the questionable raw materials in even premium pet foods have a lot to do with a pet's welfare and happiness. Referring to my previous article mentioned above, much of the meat type foodstuffs come from rendered carcases. These carcases are classified 4D (dead, dying, diseased or disabled) along with the pharmaceuticals and preservatives. In addition the grains and other filler products (one example: Hydrolyzed feathers considered as crude protein) are legal, but do not create the proper enzyme environment for proper digestion.

Briefly: The above paragraph describes conditions which result in many health related problems and suffering from these improper foods and toxic substances.

Take time to research the materials at: