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How To Restrict Dogs From Farting

27 11:53:08
Having a pet dog means putting up with dog farts, and that could sometimes make you feel like your house is one big stink land. The good news is you dont have to live with that constant stench.

Your dogs fart problems may have a simple solution. Your dog could be suffering from flatulence because of a poor diet or digestive disorders.

Causes of dog flatulence

Like humans, dogs need certain enzymes and healthy bacteria to keep their stomachs functioning properly. It is likely that your dog is not getting these from the usual dog foods in the market as most of them (dog foods) are made from corn or wheat and lack animal protein, enzymes and antioxidants. Other causes of dog flatulence include:

Swallowing air through gobbling down food or eating too fast
Feeding your dog food which causes flatulence such as beans, sprouts, etc.
Poor quality diets which include cheap dog food, scraps, leftovers, etc.

What to do

First, take your dog to the vet to make sure his flatulence is not caused by a serious health condition or illness.

Prepare natural dog foods, treats and snacks. This way, you can be assured that your dog is eating healthy. Also, preparing your dogs food will cost you much less than buying dog food in the market.
If you cant cook for your dog, buy dog food that does not contain corm or wheat as the main ingredients. Dogs need animal protein so look for dog foods that indicate meat meal as the main ingredient. Also, avoid feeding your dog mixtures of various brands of dog food as this could upset his stomach. Do not veer away from your feeding regimen and give your dog any variety since this could disrupt your puppys digestion and toilet training regimen, as well as cause vomiting and diarrhea. Any change in the diet should be made gradually; the change should go on for at least a week. Also, you should try a new diet at least 10 days before making any further changes. Or, you could ask your vet the best way to change your dogs diet.

Give you dog only a premium brand of dog food that does not contain any additives, artificial colors or flavors, or preservatives.

Opt to feed your dog while foods such as fruits and vegetables to supplement his diet if he will eat them. Ask your vet what types of fruits and vegetables are safe for your pet to eat.

You could also ask your vet about giving your dog canine dietary enzyme supplements. These are available in dog treats and snacks as granule supplements that are added to food. Your vet should be able to prescribe the best product for your pet, and how to use it.

Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise since it is important for healthy digestion. Make sure also that he has a lot of room to roam, run and play. Take him on regular walks and play with him often.