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Vanadium And Prostate Health

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Vanadium is a trace element which in its natural form is very colorful. It is a micromineral (a mineral needed in very tiny amounts) for human nutrition and is mainly stored in fat and bone.Studies on vanadium consistently suggest that vanadium may act as a co-factor for enzymes involved in blood sugar metabolism, lipid and cholesterol metabolism, bone and tooth development, fertility, thyroid function, hormone production and neurotransmitter metabolism. Supportive Health for Older MenVanadium containing compounds have been indicated in their ability to help promote healthy cellular replication in the body, especially in preserving normal prostate cell function. Insulin resistance occurs during aging, and results in impaired glucose metabolism and disposal. Vanadium has shown promise in research trials helping the body to achieve healthy sugar levels in Type 2 diabetes by mimicking the likeness of insulin1,2 . Because of this, vanadium compounds have been termed "insulin-mimetic." This information, however, is still being studied. Vanadyl sulfate is a popular product in the bodybuilding market. Vanadyl sulfate's ability to promote muscle uptake of glucose produces a significant anabolic effect on muscle mass3. This anabolic effect is also important for anti-aging purposes. Aging causes catabolic wasting of muscle mass. Preliminary assessment of Vanadium supplementation has uncovered evidence that it may be helpful in preventing this condition. Other biological applications for vanadium may include: 4 '         Vanadium may inhibit cholesterol formation in the blood vessels, and thus may be useful in supporting cardiovascular health. '         Vanadium is believed to be involved in energy production, a cofactor of enzymes to accelerate chemical reactions in the body.'         Vanadium may help in the building of bones and teeth. '         Vanadium is believed to play a role in growth and reproduction5 Vanadium has also been shown to lower growth of human prostate cancer cells in tissue cultures. Researchers at Parker Hughes Institute in St. Paul, Minnesota developed 24 drugs containing the metal vanadium. Their findings are published in Clinical Cancer Research (May 2000), the official scientific journal of the American Association of Cancer Research. The results indicated that these drugs were effective against 14 of 14 different cancer cell lines as well as cancer cells taken directly from patients.  Targeted cancer cells included those of breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, brain tumors, leukemia, and lymphoma.These drugs are now being tested in animal safety studies to identify those that have the best therapeutic index. Of course, additional research on the role of Vanadium is necessary before any positive conclusions can be made, but the findings to date are definitely impressive.
Vanadium deficiency has not been described in man. Deficiency in animals causes infertility, reduction in red blood cell production leading to anemia; iron metabolism defects; and poor bone, tooth and cartilage formation. According to preliminary data gathered, it  is possible that deficiency in humans may lead to high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increase susceptibility to heart disease, diabetes (high blood sugar) or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and kidney disease.  Natural Food Sources:Some foods that are rich in vanadium include whole grain breads and cereals, vegetable oils, nuts, root vegetables, parsley, fish, radishes, dill, lettuce and strawberries. The vanadium content of food depends on the soil in which it is grown.  Vanadium is a vital ingredient for preserving normal prostate cell function. However, along with supplementation, a healthy diet and regular exercise should also be part of your regular fitness program. References:1.       Balasubramanyam M, Mohan V. Orally active insulin mimics: where do we stand now? J Biosci. 2001 Sep;26(3):383-90. Review PMID: 11568484 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]2.       Willsky GR, Goldfine AB, Kostyniak PJ, McNeill JH, Yang LQ, Khan HR, Crans DC. Effect of vanadium(IV) compounds in the treatment of diabetes: in vivo and in vitro studies with vanadyl sulfate and bis(maltolato) oxovandium(IV). J Inorg Biochem. 2001 May;85(1):33-42.3.       Kreider RB. Dietary supplements and the promotion of muscle growth with resistance exercise. Sports Med. 1999;27(2):97-110.4.       French RJ & Jones PJH: Role of vanadium in nutrition, metabolism, essentiality, and dietary considerations. Life Sci 1993; 52(4): 339-346.D'Cruz OJ, Uckun FM. Vanadocene-Mediated in Vivo Male Germ Cell Apoptosis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 166(3):186-95, 2000.