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How To Treat Dog Hot Spots So They Go Away Fast

27 11:52:57
Dogs at any age can develop dog hot spots. These areas can look differently on each pet, but may consist of a red bald area. The region of skin will be itchy and may contain an infection. Dog owners are encouraged to look out for these skin rashes, so that they can prevent them from spreading and from becoming more infected.

These itchy regions can spread quickly and will need to be looked at right away. When a pet owner does not notice the region for a while. It can cause the area to get bigger or to spread to other parts of the dog. Treating the bald spot early may help it to heal and stop spreading.

Red and itchy patches of skin can be cleared away when someone is able to follow some easy steps. The area around the infection should be cleared away using scissors or a razor. Once the area is cleaned of hair, the pet owner can put treatment on the wound.

People can apply hydrocortisone creams or sprays to help prevent any further itching. As soon as the pet stops itching the area, it may begin to heal and dry up. To help prevent the itch from happening, owners can try giving their pet Benadryl if it is okay with their vet. Allergy medication may stop the itch so that the pet can begin to heal.

If a dog is persistent with the scratching and chewing of the area, dog owners may try placing a protective cone over the pet's head. These covers can be picked up at vet offices or at animal retail stores. Cones will vary in size and be bought to meet the size of the dog's head.

People will need to watch the area of skin closely. They will want to keep an eye on it to make sure that it isn't spreading or getting worse. If an infection develops, it may need some medicated cream. A vet can prescribe the right antibiotics to help heal the wound.

It may be a good idea to take the pet to the vet to get an allergy test. Allergy tests are quick and easy and will give accurate results. Pet owners will find out what their dog is allergic to, so that they can try to avoid those triggers.

When a pet owner finds dog hot spots on their pet, they may wonder what to do. These skin legions are normal and can be treated in a simple way. Protecting the area from getting scratched and bitten is the best way to help it heal. Creams and sprays may stop it from being itchy, spreading and becoming infected.