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Coq10 Vitamin: The Heart Of Energy

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CoQ10 vitamin is a co-enzyme required by enzymes to perform chemical functions that are vital to the body. CoQ10 vitamins are found concentrated in the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell where energy conversion takes place. CoQ10 is said to be the biochemical spark that aids in the production of cellular energy. As such, CoQ10 plays an important role in the manufacturing of chemical energy to produce the body's "energy currency" known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

The CoQ10 vitamin is most concentrated in organs like the heart, the liver and the brain since these organs require the most energy to perform their vital functions. CoQ10 has been particularly noted for its benefits to heart health. Sufficient data from research shows the benefits of CoQ10 for supporting cardiovascular health.

The Body's Need for CoQ10 Vitamin

CoQ10 is so vital that the body manufactures its own supply during the first twenty years of life. After the age of twenty, CoQ10 is no longer produced by the body and levels begin to deplete. There are however, factors that accelerate the loss of CoQ10 in the body. Prescription medication, like statins, can decrease levels of CoQ10. Levels are also seen to decline with strenuous exercise, severe illness, poor dietary habits and the inevitable process of aging!

Benefits of CoQ10 Vitamin for Heart Health

A study reported in the European Heart Journal (doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehl158) showed that the heart's functional capacity was enhanced by nine percent by supplementation with CoQ10 vitamins, as compared to a group that took a placebo. The hearts functional capacity was further enhanced by a group that took CoQ10 vitamin supplements and exercised. There was a marked general rise in blood flow as well.

CoQ10 vitamin supplements are known to nutritionally support cardiovascular health, normal blood pressure, healthy blood flow and normal cholesterol levels. CoQ10 helps to energize the heart and supports heart muscle contraction. It also supports brain and liver functions.

CoQ10 vitamin is also a potent antioxidant, protecting cellular health.

Bio-Absorption of CoQ10 Vitamin in Effervescent Multi-Vitamins

CoQ10 is soluble in lipids and therefore the absorption of CoQ10 is enhanced when intake is combined with fats. You can find CoQ10 in multi-vitamin supplements like MultiVescence. This is an effervescent vitamin formula with a great bubbly flavor. It offers immediate bio-absorption of all nutrients through its novel effervescent technology. There is no need to take separate nutrients specific to every health need. You can find a well-formulated blend of vitamins, minerals, bio-flavonoids, amino acids along with L-glutamine and CoQ10 in MultiVescence covering a broad spectrum of health-supporting benefits.