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All Havanese Need Basic Havanese Training

28 11:43:08
All dogs, even your dog, needs basic obedience training. This means your dog should know his or her name, come when called, sit and stay on command, know how to walk on a lead, know not to jump up on people and generally be a good Canine Ambassador. Havanese love to please their people and are considered highly trainable. You can channel their energy into obeying you for rewards.

It only takes a few minutes a day, every day ? and a lot of patience ? to train your Havanese. You can help your Havanese along by making sure your dog is well fed, gets regular exercise and doesn't have any health problems that might interfere with training.

Observe your Havanese furry kid and see what really excites him or her. Is it a particular food treat? Is it going outside for a romp? It is a particular toy? Be patient in discovering what would be the ultimate reward for your Havanese in training.

Puppies are highly motivated by food, but also can be motivated by a special toy. When you discover what this treat or toy is, save that only for training sessions. You're assured to be the center of attention.

It's a lot easier to get your Havanese obeying you if you make the dog WANT to obey you. Now that the dog is paying attention to you, make simple commands like sit with your voice and a hand gesture. Have everyone in your family use the same verbal commands and hand gestures to tell your dog to sit. If you raise the food bowl over the dog's head, the dog usually sits. Praise, praise praise!

And that's basically how you keep going with Havanese obedience training. Use positive reinforcement ? just ignore bad behavior or say "No". You don't want the dog to ever be scared of being near you. Keep the sessions short, and be patient. All dogs learn in their own time, just like with kids. If this is your first dog, then enrolling in basic obedience classes will help you almost as much as they will help the dog.

One of the best things you can do is buy a good dog training book. You can ask your dog trainer, dog owning friends, your puppy's breeder or your vet for a good dog training book.

Train inside and then, when the command is learned indoors, try outdoors with a lead on. Be patient ? you and your dog will learn Havanese obedience training eventually if you keep at it.