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Jack Russell Training Tricks For Your Pet

28 11:43:01
Every dog owner will definitely feel proud and happy if Fido go potty on command, does not jump on people neither chew the furniture and other household stuff. Surely, having a reliably trained jack russell terrier is one of the joys of having a canine companion... and this can be attributed to effective jack russell training.

Being fearless, intelligent and extremely energetic breed, a jack russell terrier may not only excel in obedience, agility or hunting. A jack russell may also excel in doing amusing dog tricks when training is provided. When training dog tricks, it is important that:

- there must be a medium of communication between you and your dog. Since dogs cannot talk the way humans do, try to understand their signals and responses. Know that a dog that is confused, nervous, happy, distracted, stressed or ill will not learn efficiently so be wary of the signs your dog is trying to convey.

- training must be done in a step by step process. Don't expect that your dog will perfect the "play dead" trick without having to master the basic commands such as "come", "down" or sit. Start from the basic and move your way up from there.

- training sessions must be fun and interesting both for you and your dog. It is an advantage if they are mentally and physically challenged to prevent them from boredom. It is also recommended to keep training sessions short.

- training sessions must end with rewards and praise to associate the training with something positive and good. Doing so will make him look forward to fun and interesting training sessions.

- appropriate training methods are utilized. Positive reinforcements are widely used and recommended by many dog owners for it has been known to work on most dogs. Physical punishment is not an option for it will only cause aggression, dominance issues and other behavior related problems.

- owners are aware that not all dogs are the same even if they are of the same breed. If your friend's jack russell mastered the trick in two days, that does not necessarily mean that it will be the same for you and your dog. So don't get frustrated if you have been teaching your jack russell to roll-over for three days.

Training a jack russell to do tricks is not impossible given this breed's natural intelligence and oozing stamina. You just have to use the appropriate approach in order to become successful with your jack russell training.