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Tips On How To Train Your Dog

28 11:42:28
No dog should ever end up in a shelter because of bad behavior! The truth is that a bad owner who didn't train them is to blame. A well-trained pooch can be a welcome addition to any family. Transforming a dog into this type of companion can actually be easy, as long as you spend the effort and time necessary.

Activities and the environment can play a role in excessive barking. If you are aware of what causes your dog to bark, you can more easily address the issues. If your dog barks at visitors, you can have a friend visit to help you deal with the situation.

For dogs that bark unnecessarily, do not shout at your dog. Shouting will cause your dog to bark more because they think that you are reacting positive to their behavior. This causes them to think the barking is the right thing to do, so keep your voice down and distract them instead.

Consistency is key when working on crate training with a young dog. Give the puppy consistent opportunities to relieve himself every time you let him out. As time passes, your puppy will start to be able to use the restroom at the appropriate times.

Training your dog to start rolling over is easy, but be sure to have some treats. Start by commanding the animal to lie down. Then hold one treat near his head and near the floor. Pull the treat over the dog until your hand is on the other side. They'll follow your treat with their nose which will cause them to roll over. Say "roll over" as he performs the action so that he'll learn the command. Do not get mad if it takes several tries. Once they learn this particular trick, they will be popular at the dog park!

Dog training is an extensive process with daily applications. Command your dog to do something before mealtimes, playtime or going for a walk. If you do this on a regular basis they will learn more and be willing to listen all of the time. If you train only in specific locations at specific times, you may end up with a dog that only "sits" in the living room at 6 p.m.!

Introduce social places frequently and early to your dog. Your dog has to learn how to behave around other animals and people. The best way to develop good behavior in these situations is to put your dog in the environment as much as possible. This will help in reducing sporadic behavior when it comes to new environments, also.

When training your dog, it is best that you give them treats whenever they do what you're telling them to do. After they get the hang of it, back off the treats and only give them a treat 75% of the time, and continue reducing treats until they only get one occasionally.

Rewarding bad behavior, even in desperation, must be avoided. This will give your dog the wrong mindset during the training session. For example, you should avoid offering a treat to the animal to stop it from barking.

The information here can help you rehabilitate any bad dog. You should train him as soon as you can to avoid any risk of the dog unintentionally hurting someone.