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Six Steps To A Happy Beagle.

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Can beagles be difficult? Absolutely. But they're also incredibly loyal and loving. Couple that affection with a good training regimen, and you have a great dog to enjoy for years to come. Here are 6 ways you can assure your beagle (or any other dog for that matter) becomes the pride of the neighborhood:

1. It's never too early to start. Begin training your beagle as soon as possible. Starting with something as easy as a feeding schedule will help to get your dog used to a routine. If he or she is used to a routine from an early age, and if you reward his or her good behavior often, the chances are severely reduced that bad habits will develop.

2. Start with the basics. Even simple commands such as "come," "stay," and "sit" are vital. The obvious benefit here is that it teaches discipline. But it also let's your dog know that you're the leader. Beagles are pack animals and, believe me, they'll establish dominance if you let them.

3. The best training sessions are the short ones. Even with as little as 5 to 10 minutes twice a day, you should see amazing results. Remember, beagles can get unfocused very quickly, especially because of their desire to follow smells. If the sessions are short and entertaining, he'll want to learn.

4. Don't abuse your dog. We all get frustrated occasionally. It's human nature. But to take it out on the dog will only have the reverse effect. Physical punishment can make him more aggressive and cause him to be more fearful of you. It stands to reason that he won't do what you want him to do if he's afraid.

5. Reward good behavior. Any dog likes a treat, and they like to know they're getting a reward for pleasing you. Being a hound, a beagle is food-motivated so use that to your advantage. However, make sure the dog doesn't see the treat before you issue a command, or after a while he will only obey if he's able to see the treat, and that's not what you want.

6. Beagle-appropriate training methods work best. Use a beagle's natural tendencies to your advantage. These dogs are bred to hunt and track, obviously having an incredible sense of smell. If you can incorporate that into your training, you'll experience a higher success rate. Anything involving running, retrieving, or discovering buried objects will be much more fun for him.

Can beagles be difficult? Of course they can, just as other breeds can be. But if you stick with these basic guidelines, you'll find that it can be an enjoyable experience for both of you, and you'll get a well-behaved beagle out of it at the same time.