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Crate Training A Puppy Can Be Fun - Follow These Tips

28 11:40:29
Don't let the idea of house training a puppy overwhelm you. It's not difficult to successfully house train your puppy but it will take some effort on your part. With the right tools, tips and techniques, you will be well on your way to enjoying the company of a well behaved, reliably house trained dog in no time. House training will allow you and your pet the ability to enjoy time together in your home without the constant worry of damage caused by an unreliable canine. The key to remember is that a puppy is a companion first and being with you is important to their well being.


House training is teaching your puppy not to use your house as their personal bathroom. Crate training is how your do it.

This training method using crate training makes it much easier for your pet to associate what you want them to do with your positive response. Below are some Tips and Suggestions to start your house training a puppy effort off right.

TIP #1
Dogs use voice inflection to gather meaning and interact with humans. All canines have a very limited vocabulary which means that you need to use the same word to mean the same thing all the time. Potty, Going outside, Bathroom, Have to PEE, etc. are all different to a dog even if they mean basically the same to us.

Take the time to learn your dogs behavior traits. All dogs, no matter what type have certain things they do before going to the bathroom. Maybe it's sniffing around the house or turning in circles a few times. Most will squat to pee. Getting to your puppy before they actually go, even if it's in mid squat, is the perfect time to re-enforce that the best place to go to the bathroom is outside.

This is done by immediately taking your dog to the door and giving them praise and exciting attention. Next, take them outside and wait for them to do their business. This gives you yet another chance to give them praise for going to the bathroom outside.

The key is to understand that by giving them praise, your dog associates going to the door then going outside to use pee and poop as pleasing you. So from a dogs perspective, we want to encourage this thoughtPlease you = go outside to relieve themselves = GOOD = Praise

Don't ever hit your dog with a rolled up newspaper. This does absolutely no good and will work against your house training efforts. It will make your Dog skittish and fearful and will NOT help reach your goal of a reliably house trained dog.

A crate is not a box to store your dog. Crate Training is how you stay in control of your puppy or adult puppy. Your pet needs to be safely confined in their crate whenever you cannot keep a close eye on them. This means both day and night, your dog needs to be either watched to stop accidents or in her crate.

Keeping your puppy under control means either watching her every minute or confining her in her cage. What you want to keep your puppy involved with what you're doing in the house but not allowing her to roam free is an important key to successful house training a puppy.

For the best and quickest house training a puppy result, you need to keep your dog close to you and involved in your life as much as possible. Imagine having an easy to move truly portable crate that will allow your puppy to be close with your wherever you are in your home.