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Puppy Noise Training - Dealing With Your New Puppys Fear Of Noise

28 11:39:08
It is an huge shock for your pet to arrive in a different home and one of the biggest hurdles to overcome is worry of all those different noises. You need to address the situation immediately and this training soon gets your dog familiar with those unaccustomed sounds. Encouragement and persistence will be needed to succeed. You need to make plain to the dog that you, as the pack leader, are not frightened of the cause of the noise - so they need not be scared either.

If you could simply talk to your pet and make clear that the noise won't harm him then it would be easy! You can't, therefore you need to demonstrate to your pet instead using this training technique. This example uses a vacuum cleaner as the noise, but you can do the same thing with other threatening sounds. Whatever the noise always tackle it head on - hoping the anxiety will disappear will not work and can lead to real issues as the dog grows up. A puppy barking and snarling at the vacuum might be quite cute - a fully grown dog showing this behavior is a very different and alarming proposition.

Puppy Noise Training in your Home

When you are about to vacuum, put the dog in a room with the door wide open, and a child safety gate across the doorway. Have someone the pup knows, such as a member of your family, in the room with him. Start vacuuming in the furthermost corner of the opposite room, making certain the puppy can see you. The dog should be held by the person in the room, but not made a fuss of or spoken to. You should vacuum nearer and nearer to the room where the pet is and let him watch you getting nearer to him. Then finish vacuuming and have the pup put back on the floor.

In a while, start again and have the person pick up the pup again if he is distressed - but no stroking or talking. You should by now be vacuuming in the same room as the pup. Repeat this procedure each day until the pet is confident and calm with the noise. Don't hurry the dog noise training. At times it takes quite a while for a pup to tolerate loud noises.

You will find life much simpler if you do this training with your dog early in his life. Next though is the world outside the door, where there are even more frightening noises. However the early start you made in the home will help as you and your puppy step outside the door.

Training Noise Puppy for Outdoors

As you start puppy leash training and go for your first walk together your pet is going to face some very new sounds - and you will not be able to regulate the circumstances as you did in the home. The way to manage a puppy that is disturbed by, for instance traffic noise, is to demonstrate your own calm and passive reaction to the noise.

Choose a relatively busy road for this training, one where there are gaps in the traffic, but it is still quite noisy. Take him to the side of the street and wait there. When pup reacts to the traffic noise don't mirror his panic. Make no reaction at all, just be calm and quiet. Let the vehicle go by and the sound fade. Then reassure the puppy with a simple praise and a food treat. But don't make too much fuss. Keep it as a simple reward for good behavior with no excitement.

Wait for the next vehicle on the road; let it pass by and once more reward after the noise has faded away. By repeating the pet noise training over a week or so, your pup will quickly get the idea that you are not scared of the noise - so why should he be scared of it.