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Cool Tricks To Teach Your Pet During Labrador Retriever Training

28 11:39:02
If there is just one thing labrador owners want to achieve, that's effective labrador retriever training. Through training, a dog learns how to act in ways acceptable by his human companions thus in turn can strengthen the pet-owner relationship. Socialization, basic obedience training and housebreaking are best taught in early stages to prevent undesirable behaviors from developing. While these matters are considered as the most important one can teach his beloved pet, owners can also teach extra tricks that will definitely amuse everyone.

Here are some tricks you may want to teach your pet:


Training a labrador to perfect fetch shouldn't be so hard due to the fact this breed is hard-wired for retrieving. They can carry things in their mouths with great gentleness and their webbed paws make it easy for them to retrieve stuff in the water.

Some labradors can work out the command on their own but if your pet must have training, you will need to start teaching the command "take it". To do so, hold a treat and issue the command "take it". If he has associated the command with the deed, you'll soon find him opening his mouth the moment he hears you give the command. Take this chance to slip a dumbbell inside his mouth and let it stay there for a few seconds. Praise and reward him with a treat. When he is used with having the dumbbell in his mouth, move forward with "hold it". After he picks up the dumbbell, gently hold his mouth and command him to "hold it". After a few seconds, command him to "give" the dumbbell and allow him to spit it out. Continue on working with each command and afterwards with the take it-hold it-give sequence. Lenghten the distance gradually and don't forget to reward him with praise or treat for good manners displayed.


Another trick you can teach during labrador retriever training is speak. To get going, you will need to pick a hand signal; twisting your closed fist, snapping your fingers or whatever is easy for you. Give the hand signal and reward him with praise or treat when he barks. If your dog does not bark, continue giving the hand signal until he barks. Frequent practice of the command will eventually enable him to fully grasp the trick.

Kiss me.

Actually, there is no need to teach your pet to kiss given that dogs naturally love to kiss humans especially their owners. The only thing you might want to teach him is to perform the trick only after a verbal command is given. Give the command "kiss me" and lower your cheek in front of his mouth. Reward him with praise or treat when he licks your face after the command is given.

These three tricks are just some of the many things you can teach your precious labrador retriever. Although labrador retrievers are recognized for being obedient and highly trainable, bear in mind that training a particular command normally takes time. Just enjoy the training sessions instead of forcing your pet to learn things too quickly.