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Recovering From Pet Loss

28 11:32:23
The passing of a beloved pet can have a shattering impact on your life.

You may wonder how you can go on without the support of your treasured
friend. In fact, you may be surprised by how much you depended on your animal
companion's presence in your life.

We tend to think that we are the ones taking care of our furry and feathered
friends, but in so many ways, they are the ones taking care of us.

If you're hurting from the passing of your pet, know that there's hope even
in your grief and that your tears will help to heal your heart. Even though
it may feel as if your soul is broken, you can mend it back together.

I want you to know that where your pet has gone there really is no "death."
Leaving the body is a natural part of the life cycle and does not signify
"the end." Rather, it is a doorway into the next plane of existence in the
spiritual realm.

Your pet never leaves in spirit. On a subtle level, your animal friend still
stands beside you. Knowing that they are OK and not suffering can help you
knit back the pieces of your life and find the light at the opposite end of
the tunnel of heartache.

The sad truth we all have to learn is that we can't experience love without
risking pain, because love by its very nature makes us vulnerable, which is
actually a beautiful thing. But you can learn to transmute the pain and over
time, allow it to rekindle your appreciation for this journey we call life.

If you allow yourself to feel your way through the grief without shying away
from it, the day will come when memories of your pet bring warmth to your
heart and smiles to your lips rather than so much pain.

So don't rush or short circuit your grieving process. Take it one step at a
time, even if it feels like one step forward and two steps back, because
working through the stages holds the secret to recapturing your joy.

The sorrow you allow yourself to feel is part of the healing balm. It's one
of the mysteries of life.

I know it's difficult to part with the physical form of the delightful being
with whom you shared so many happy times. But take comfort in the knowledge
that your pet remains with you in spirit and loves you very much.

It would not want you to suffer.