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Pet Care - Dog Grooming

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For many of us our pets are part of the family and, as with our children, we want them to be well behaved, clean and groomed. We all want our dog to be obedient, well-groomed and friendly and that is part of the reason why dog grooming centres and doggie day care places have become so popular in the last few years.

Deciding to get a dog isn’t just a matter of walking him around the block a few times a week. To keep him your dog healthy he will need friendly nature, lots of exercise, care and grooming. Deciding to welcome any kind of animal into the family brings with it certain responsibilities, such as who will take care of him if you have to go away for a few days, and keeping up-to-date with vaccinations.

A dog will need a lot of love attention. If your dog is a puppy you will need to take time to house-train it, get it to walk on a leash and of course play with it. If you have a puppy you will need to take time every day training it to sit and walk to heel, as well as toilet training. To play with your puppy is also very important and they will never tire of it. If you have a long haired breed you need to take care of it by showering and trimming at least once a week to prevent matting and remove dead hair, whereas a short haired breed are generally low maintenance which might suit you if you have less time to devote to their care.

Grooming your dog is an important part of looking after your dog’s health; it usually involves cleaning his ears, combing his hair and giving him a bath. Pedigree dogs, such as a West Highland white terrier, American cocker or schnauzer or shih-Tzu, will require regular grooming and trimming and the dog’s nails might also need clipping. You can find cleaning tools from your local pet store, or consider taking your dog to doggy day care for a special treatment.

Your dogs coat will look healthy and gleaming if you groom it frequently and it also provides a way to show affection. The dog will appreciate the attention as it demonstrates your affection to it. This is also a good time to check his skin for ticks, cuts or any likely skin diseases only noticed on closer examination.

For those of you who like to groom your dog yourself then combs, shampoo and other basic equipment can be bought at your neighbourhood pet shop. Flea powder, a hair comb, special dog shampoo and nail clippers should be enough for most dogs. If you have a long-haired dog then a trip to the local doggie beauty salon once a month for a full treatment could save you a lot of time and effort.

Check out the grooming centre near to you to see how they operate. A reputable dog groomer should be able to advice you on the types of treatment that your dog will need or benefit from. The centre should be clean and hygienic and a place where you would feel comfortable placing your dog in their hands. A professional dog groomer will have qualifications and experience. Certificates should be out on display for you to see and the staff will have a good attitude towards the animals brought in.

If you don’t like the idea of getting your puppy from a pet shop, or are after a particular breed such as Cavoodles or Spoodles then why not check online for a centre to find the perfect dog for your family? Puppies will be chosen from well-known breeders and come with a clean bill of health. Whilst the puppies stay at the centre they will receive training and are socialised to be comfortable with adults and children and other dogs.

If you are looking for someone who will care about your pet and offer specialised services, such as doggy day-care, dog grooming, pet-sitting and puppies for sale, then there are services online who can provide these and more. Just look up the terms �dog grooming’ or �doggy day care’ and search for a well-known service in your area.