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Preventing Heat Stroke In Cats

28 11:26:48
Summer is around the corner in North America and for most of us that means either hot and dry or extremely hot and humid. We all think of swimming pools and cold drinks to stay cool. What about our feline friends? To see my Kayco in a pair of swim trunks on a poolside is not going to happen. So how can we as cat owners help to make sure that they stay cool and safe this summer? How can we prevent heat stroke in cats and our pets? The conversation between my cat and I is pretty much one sided. So he isn't going tell me that he is hot and can't take the heat.

Many people take their pets both cats and dogs, with them when they leave the house whether on vacation or to the store for a gallon of milk. So we need to be smart and think of the ones we love when doing so. Remember if your car is sitting in the sun how hot it is when you get in. The temperature takes up to twenty minutes with the air conditioning running to cool off and only ten minutes to heat up the temperature of a baking oven when parked. So leaving a cat in a car even with windows cracked down is not even an option. The solution? Either make sure your pet can be with you away from home or leave them at home with plenty of water and or some one who can make sure they will be fed and watered regularly. This is the key to preventing heat stroke in cats.

Consider this, when the heat gets to the point where our air quality is low, it’s a good idea to keep your children and seniors indoors. So if this type of advisory is given to humans, the same suite should be followed with cats. They do not always know where the cool hiding places are outside and they may not even return home to you. So keeping them in can actually keep them alive. We all know how hot asphalt gets in the blazing sun. If your feet can't handle that kind of heat, think of your kitty's sensitive paws and how quickly they could be burned.

Preventing heat stroke in cats is preventable!! To do this, regular grooming and brushing will help keep shed hair off their skin. Not all cats will tolerate a bath, but if yours does, this may be an option to consider as well. If your pet has long hair or is even slightly over weight, keeping either your home or at least a room the cat has full access to, will also help.

Remember beer is for human consumption only. So keep a cool and clean supply of water through out the day for your precious kitty. They would thank you if they could, but since they can't they will rub them selves on your leg. So what are some of the causes of heat stoke in cats and other pets?


1. Being in a hot car. Never leave your pet in a parked car in sunlight. The car heats up to be like a sauna even on mild days.

2. Excessive exercise on a hot day. Minimize exercise in the heat of the day. Avoid exercising your dog in unusually hot or humid conditions especially at the start of summer. Most heat stroke cases are seen at the start of summer.

3. Not enough shade and cold water. Make sure your pet has plenty of shade to escape into during the day. Make sure your pet has plenty of fresh cool water (the water should be placed in the shade) available at all times.

For more information on how to keep your kitty safe and cool as well as what to do if heatstroke is evident go to the article section at Pamper Pet Care on Pets and Heat Stroke and show these little critters how much they mean to you.