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Healthy Dog Food Secrets

2016/5/4 10:38:14

If you are in the habit of buying whatever dog food was on sale that week, and never read the ingredients, keep reading, you are about to be shocked.

Poor diet in dogs could mean many things. Dogs with a poor diet don't have high energy levels, they may develop health problems down the line, they can be overweight or underweight. They can have teeth problems, bad breath, infections... As a general rule, an unbalanced diet for your dog means a shorter lifespan for him.

It is better to never fed your dog leftovers from the dinner table, unless they are dog healthy choices. Some of the food we eat can be toxic for dogs, and greasy foods, or fried food, will make dogs fat and sick. As a general rule, leftovers do not constitute a healthy dog diet.

Many dog owners do not give a second thought to what they feed their dog, until they notice that their dog's coat isn't looking as shiny as it once did, or until their dog began scratching himself badly or not have much energy. Yet, other dog owners wait for their dog to be so overweight before they realize that there might have been a problem with their dog diet. Don't wait for your dog to show signs of illnesses to put him on a healthy diet.

Dogs get overweight and have diseases if they eat unhealthy dog foods. A healthy diet will insure optimal health for your dog.

Dogs are mammals, just like us. If dogs eat too much food and don't exercise enough they are going to get fat. If dogs eat dog food that is not good for them, they will feel tired, and depressed. Eating unhealthy for a dog can cause a whole slew of problems.

Dog food affects dogs' coat and skin. Dogs can get most of the same diseases we do. Dogs can get cancer, heart disease, and have heart attacks. Dogs can even get diabetes.

Dogs need a healthy diet. If a dog eats too much and do not get enough exercise, it will become an overweight dog and have many health problems.

This is why you should understand why your dog's diet is so important to his health. Just like with us, dogs are what they eat. Unfortunately, a dog can't tell you when something does not feel right on him, or when he has a stomach ache from the food he eats. Oftentimes, dog owners wait until something is wrong with their dogs to make any adjustments in their dog's diet. Do not wait something goes wrong with your dog, get him on a healthy dog diet today!

Ron Smith is an expert in dog and puppy health. Visit for more information on healthy dog diet , dog food labels, dog food recalls.