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A Healthy Pet Keeps The Fleas Away

2016/5/4 10:37:54

A healthy pet which is well-groomed and always clean is a no-no for fleas and ticks. They like to live and feed on dirty pets. Maybe this is because dirty begets dirty. Meanwhile, always clean your house. Vacuum those crevices and cracks on furniture and floors. A vacuum cleaner equipped with a 'beater bar' is powerful enough to suck up those fleas, larvae and eggs. Proper disposal of the bag is recommended. Run a flea comb dipped in a bowl of hot soapy water or diluted alcohol through your pet at least twice a week Toss his beddings and other paraphernalia in the washer filled with hot water. Begin screening for fleas or ticks at your pet's belly and onwards to other parts of the body. A single flea found means there are more looming nearby and on your pet. Get rid of them as fast as you can. Hit them everywhere they live.

There are ways where you can beat those fleas at their game. Bathe your pet with a medicated flea shampoo. But be sure to read the label first for correct application. If he doesn't like taking a bath, take him to a groomer. Don't let him win in this exercise or else you can get flea bites also. Your vet may recommend over-the-counter flea sprays and powders. These sprays contain D-limonene which is effective and less toxic than other chemicals. You may also use flea collars. One flea means more fleas around your house and yard. Spray with a product which has a flea-larvae growth regulator. Oral medications can be given to your pet to prevent flea eggs from hatching. Other products may be applied to his skin to kill adult fleas for a month. When your pet scratches, the sensible thing to do is halt the itching. A lukewarm bath with oatmeal shampoo is soothing. Sores caused by scratching can be relieved by aloe vera gels or creams. But the juice is more effective and safer to use. Ear mites are dark-colored debris in the ear. Clean them with a mite-killing medication available at pet stores.

If scratching continues even after all anti-flea measures were adopted, it's time to consult your vet for a possible allergy situation. An allergy test will be performed to determine the cause of your pet's allergy. Food allergies are among the hardest allergies to diagnose. He will be put on an elimination diet to determine what ingredients need to be avoided in the future. Skin sores will be treated to speed healing. Cortisones will reduce inflammation and antibiotics may be recommended for infections. Just like children, your pet needs to visit an animal professional even once a year. Regular visits will allow your vet to screen your pet for a variety of diseases and thus, provides you with the best information on how to care for him. The most important way to keep a healthy pet is to love and make him happy.

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