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Lutino Cockatiels - Multi-Colored Fascinating Cockatiels

2016/5/4 10:35:37

Lutino cockatiels are mainly grown by breeders thus you would seldom find these in pet stores unless the owner is also a breeder of this bird. Their grey selection is usually found in Australia. Though they are considered as the top flyers of Australia, their strength in flying is essentially inadequate for them to cross waterways from Tasmania to the mainland of Australia.

Lutino cockatiels definitely are stunning birds. They are the yellow and white birds which have red eyes and vibrant orange patches on their cheek. Lutino genes are also sex-linked recessive genes. Thus, the gray and black color or their melanin pigment that is found in regular grey cockatiel is not evident in lutinos. Conversely, they can be mixed with pied, cinnamon, pearl and white-face mutations to make them as a lutino cockatiel.

The pied cockatiels were the first mutation of cockatiel while the lutino cockatiels were in second place. They are instant favorites often selected by most bird lovers because they look like small white cockatoos with a pallid and golden yellow breast. Their white wings, tails and bodies are also one of the physical attributes that appeals to pet lovers who want to raise them. They have yellow crests and heads.

Cockatiel breeds grow to about 30 centimeters in length and up to 4 ounces in weight. Lutino cockatiels call for a perfectly sized cage. A roomy cage is best. It will give them enough room for toys as well as sufficient room for the bird to draw out their wings freely. They love to spend in dribs and drabs around their playpen. Cockatiel food consists of different sprouts, seeds, nuts, veggies, pellets or fruits.

Determining the sex of these birds may be a little tricky. Juvenile lutino cockatiels have barring under their tail. The barring of males fades away during their initial molt at 6 months. Meanwhile, the female barring remains though it is still hard to identify hens from cocks for the reason that the barring can faint. To differentiate male from female, A DNA test must be done.

Lutino cockatiels are easy to maintain and fun pets. They are flexible although any bird can acquire health problem along the way. For best pet health care, be aware of their signs of illness. These birds are available among pet stores even though they may not be as usual as their grey counterparts, thus they are more costly.

Do You Want To Turn The Most Difficult Cockatiel Into The Most Loving, Affectionate Pet? Discover more information about Lutino Cockatiels, visit Cockatiel Care.