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2 Top Tropical Tank Fish From O To P

2016/5/4 10:32:09

Two tropical tank fish are described here; the One-striped African Characin (Nannaethiops unitaeniatus) and the Pearl Danio (Brachydanio albolineatus). Scientific names, preferred conditions, colors description, sex differences and breeding advice are given.

One-striped African Characin - Nannaethiops unitaeniatus (Family: Citharinidae):

Really suited to the community tank. Resilient to a large variation in water temperature but about 23 degrees centigrade is fine. It is a hardy peaceful fish but a bit shy and is not particular about its food. It is also known as the One-lined African tetra and is originally from Equatorial Africa.

It can grow to nearly 8 cms with the male's maximum length being about 6.5 cms which is one way to see the differences between the sexes. Other differences are that the female is duller than the male, has more arched back and is fatter. The fins on both are quite erect and look very colorful when their environment regarding water quality is at its best.

The top part of the fishes body ranges from browny red to dark brown. This blends into a golden color on the sides fading into yellowy white or white underneath. A dark line is noted through the middle of the fish from the mouth via the eye to the tail. The caudal fin has a reddish tint with the upper part having more red color.

Breeding wise, this fish is not a problem. A water temperature of 26 degrees centigrade will be ideal and a great plant for the tank is the Miriophyllum. Note that you must remove both parents from the breeding tank after spawning has taken place. After a couple of days hatching will take place and the fry can be fed on infusoria and brine shrimps that have been just hatched.

Pearl Danio - Brachydanio albolineatus (Family: Cyprinidae):

As a tropical tank fish it is great for a community aquarium as it is quite active and tends to stay in the top most section of the tank. In addition it is undemanding regarding food diet and will also love to have small live food meals. A water temperature of 23 to 29 degrees centigrade is ideal and plenty of light will show off the colors of this fish.

The pearl danio is a slender fish. The main color of the fish has a shiny appearance covering green, blue and pink shades under indoor lighting. The mouth leans upwards with the top lip having barbels. Sexing the species is not easy but the male is a bit smaller than the female and has a thinner body and is less rotund.

For breeding you will need three males and one female in the breeding tank. It is important to note that these fish are keen egg-eaters so a breeding trap or spawning mat must be used in a long tank with a maximum water depth of 13 cms. Separate the males and females before spawning and only give them live food. Place the female in the breeding tank a whole day before the males.

After the spawning about 20 sticky eggs may be produced and after 48 hours hatching will happen and fry will be swimming around after about 3 more days; and will grow rapidly.

There are other Brachydananio species and they are all excellent community aquarium fish. Amongst these is the Brachydanio nigrofasciatus, also known as the spotted danio, that is difficult to breed and there is also the Brachydanio frankei, another favorite.

Paul Curran is webmaster at and provides a care information system for fresh water aquariums. Get your FREE E-Course on how to set up and maintain a beautiful aquarium, have the healthiest, happiest fish around AND learn about more tropical tank fish