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What Kind Of Freshwater Aquarium Plants Do You Like?

2016/5/4 10:30:00

Fishes swimming in the water always have that universal mesmerizing quality that puts people at ease enough to want them for company. To keep the little creatures happy, fish lovers today painstakingly reconstruct their living space to resemble their natural habitats as much as possible — water (fresh or saltwater depending on the inhabitants), some terrain of rocks and sand, and plants. This fixation for the natural triggers an unresolved present-day question: Is an artificial freshwater aquarium plant better than live ones or vice-versa?

Where 4,500 years ago people stocked fishes in their man-made ponds for the dual purpose of food and entertainment, today's freshwater aquarium creatures are seldom edible. Most of them are kept for their color, for their form and sometimes for their eccentricities. (They can be very eccentric - some hide all the time and come out only during dinner, some sleep floating vertically, some try hard to look ugly all the time, and some chase and eat their neighbors.)

Their modern aquariums are some of the most well-equipped and well-maintained habitats in modern life for a living creature - oxygen generators, water circulation motors, temperature control, pest and algae eradicators, etc. Each one of these modern conveniences for the fish has been met with approval by everyone, all except the question between real freshwater plants and artificial ones to be used.

Live Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Real live plants provide the aquarium a more natural environment for the fish and with some benefits only a natural living thing can give. Live plants grow and breathe and contribute to the ecosystem within the aquarium. They give off oxygen (needed by the fish) and take in carbon dioxide (expelled by the fish) in a favorable exchange of gases.

On the other hand, this process is reversed at night. Thus, in aquarium tanks that are heavily planted, carbon dioxide can rise considerably and may be dangerous to the fish. (They tend to go to the top and gasp for air.) The oxygen air pump should be running in cases like this at night.


Real plants can serve as food to some species of freshwater fish. The plants also slow down the growth of algae inside the aquarium tank.

These live real plants, however, need a bit more work to cultivate and maintain. This is because some of them have specific types of light, or a substrate, or a specific bottom layer type for rooting.

Also, they sometimes grow too big and too quick. Owners have to do some regular trimming of these plants. They are also difficult to clean. Waste breakdown

In plants, there are bacteria that help in waste breakdown. In a well-kept freshwater aquarium with plants, chemical filtration is minimized. Real plants use up the nitrates that the fish expels which are harmful to the fish.

One downside is that certain plants are possible carriers of harmful pests such as snails and other disease-causing parasites. Another downside is that whenever any plant dies and decays, the resulting waste debris is definitely harmful to the fish.

Artificial Freshwater Aquarium Plants

Because it is not edible, plastic plants deters your favorite fish from making a tasty meal out of your fake plants. If your fish is an herbivore, this set-up is helpful.

Artificial plants manufacturers have become so exceptional in their expertise it is very hard to tell a real plant from an artificial one. In appearance and beauty, they can rival a real plant.

They Cannot Die

Artificial plants will never grow old (and die and decay and foul up the aquarium tank), will never grow too large for comfort, or would never become tattered and unattractive. In short, they do not lose their looks. Live plants can overgrow and become out of shape.

Once they get dirty and covered with algal growth, artificial plants are simply removed temporarily and cleaned and become good as new again. They don't require lights, too.

No Pests And Parasites

One more advantage is that they are available all year round. Because they have never been in an aquarium before, they certainly won't bring in any pests or parasites from somewhere. They may not contribute to the life system inside the aquarium but artificial plants are ideal for some species of fish that are prone to uproot live plants.

A Toss-up

For the real fish lover, there is never a conflict as to what kind of plant is best for freshwater aquarium use. Both the artificial freshwater aquarium plant and the real freshwater plants have their own plus points.

In terms of beauty, it is simply a tossup between the two considering how excellent these artificial plants look, especially the new models. Of course, there should not be a question about natural beauty from a natural living plant.

It is another toss-up as to the various upsides and downsides of the real water plant and that of the artificial plant. On most cases, things balance themselves out for both.

Is the artificial freshwater aquarium plant better than the real living freshwater plant? Most experienced fish keepers cannot agree. The straight answer is that what it all comes down to is a matter of choice.

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