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Why Cats Scratch? Understanding Cat Scratching Behavior

2016/5/4 10:29:13

Scratching is a very natural behavior to a cat. Because the claws of a wild cat are so important to its survival in terms of hunting, defense, and even navigating difficult terrain, many innate behaviors have sprung up to keep these claws in good shape. Even though pet cats rarely need their claws to hunt, have few predators if kept inside, and have no real difficult terrain to traverse, these behaviors remain with them.

There is no way to keep your cat from scratching. It is a behavior that simply goes along with being a cat, but there certainly are ways to cut down on the amount of damage that a scratching cat might cause. Many cat owners choose to declaw their cats, but this is not recommended for cats that may spend time outside where they might need to defend themselves.

Pet owners rarely fully understand the process of declawing a cat. Instead of simply removing the claws as many believe, the surgery actually involves amputating the ends of the toes from which the claws protrude. This can cause a considerable amount of pain during recovery.

There are other surgeries available such as removing the tendon that allows a cat to retract its claws, but this can create more problems as a cat will not be able to control the growth of its claws.

Many veterinarians will recommend that you purchase caps for your cat's claws. These caps reduce the damage your cat might cause, but only last around four to six weeks.

The actual behavior of scratching has a number of causes. While scratching, a cat gets to exercise a number of different muscles across the legs and back that might otherwise become underdeveloped and cause joint problems. It is also an excellent pastime for a cat who might otherwise become bored. A cat's claws, just like a human's nails, continue to grow and a cat needs to find a way to keep them in check. If the cat leaves its nails to grow, they may become ingrown and cause an infection. Living in a home situation where a cat will only encounter carpet or at best tile, a cat needs to find an alternative to keep the nails short.

Providing your cat with a scratching post is one of your best options. Scratching posts are made using materials that a cat will find very appealing for scratching and these devices will probably save your couch and curtains from a lot of damage. The scratching post should be placed in an area where your cat is already causing damage. Provide it as an alternative, but also try to cover up the area where the scratching is the worst using something like sandpaper or another material your cat will have a difficult time scratching.

If you catch your cat scratching, try to distract her by making a sudden noise such as a clap or whistle. This will remind her that this is your house with rules to follow and that you are keeping an eye on her. Make sure that you don't frighten her too much however because she may learn to be afraid of you.

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