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You Don't Have To Be Fishy To Have A Wall Mounted Fish Aquarium

2016/5/4 10:26:22

Wall mounted fish aquariums are ideal for those who love the look of an aquarium but do not have the floor space for the set up. Such an aquarium showcases living art and will bring tranquility to all of those with the privilege to view it.

Other advantages of the wall mounted aquarium include limited maintenance, eye level viewing and a stunning conversation centerpiece. The price of such an attractive showpiece can run between $200 and $500, depending on the size.

Wall mounted aquariums come in various sizes, from a three gallon bowl to a twenty gallon rectangular style. Each aquarium kit includes everything you need to set up and maintain your aquarium including but not limited to, a filter, lighting, heater and a mounting kit.

The first step of installation is finding the proper location for your aquarium. Two factors to consider are ease of cleaning and a reachable outlet. Once that is established, proper wall studs are needed to ensure support of a filled tank and its accessories. Even the smallest wall aquarium can weigh seventy five pounds when full of water.

Step by step instructions are included in all wall mounted aquarium kits. Most wall mounted aquariums come preassembled with LED lighting. LED lights can run for up to fifty thousand hours, while traditional florescent lights usually last between one to two years. Unlike LED, however, fluorescent bulbs can cause the aquarium water to heat beyond the desired temperature, thereby endangering the stability of its inhabitants.

Due to the width and water capacity of a wall unit, your choice of fish species is slightly restricted. Smaller breeds such as guppies, tetras, platys, mollies, and swordtails are the perfect tank mates. Another fish that would fit perfectly in your live art show piece is a Siamese fighting fish, more commonly known as the betta. Male bettas are the most common gender to display, as they are brilliantly colored and have long flowing fins, while females are not as highly colorized. Male bettas must be kept separate from each other, due to their natural instinct to fight. One male betta would be a brilliant attraction for your wall mounted fish aquarium, while two could prove fatal to one or both.

One of the world's largest mounted units be found at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California. The Outer Bay exhibit displays, among others, the stunning spotted jellyfish through a fifty-six by seventeen foot window. This exhibit holds approximately 1.2 million gallons of water.

Although your kitchen may not be as large as the Monterey Bay Aquarium, you can enjoy a wall mounted fish aquarium every day on a smaller scale.

Sandra Tiffany has always enjoyed having a wall mounted aquarium in her home. It is always a conversation piece for her guests. Her site has info on the wall mounted aquarium, LED aquarium lighting, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Betta fish, auctions, books and "Deal of the Day" opportunities.