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Pet Dander Trivia----6 Little Facts About A Huge Problem

2016/5/4 10:20:58

Pet dander is generated by all warm-blooded pets such as cats, dogs, birds, bunnies, ferrets. Unfortunately, it goes with the territory. Here are 6 small but interesting facts that can help you understand and prevent these small particles from becoming a major problem.

Dander is microscopic. If you think you can see dander, it's probably not dander at all. These dead flakes of skin generally range in size from 2.5 to 5 microns with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. So it is truly an invisible allergen that cannot be seen without magnification.

It's small enough to penetrate lung tissues. Because it is so small it has free access to the deepest and innermost lung tissues. Continually inhaling air with high levels of small particles like this can cause nodules. And though most often they are benign, they are a problem that doesn't have to happen if particulate levels are kept low.

The dander problem has been food for thought for years. Unfortunately it is also food for dust mites. Everybody has dust mites regardless of how clean your home is. They're just a fact of life.

Increased levels of dead skin from pets dramatically increase mites' food source therefore their numbers. And the protein in dust mites is another potent allergen that can trigger allergies and asthma.

It won't go away. These flakes of dead skin are a part of the growth and development of every warm blooded animal. So the process is a natural and healthy one, even though it causes such discomfort for those who are sensitive to it. It is not a problem that can be totally eliminated, but there are ways to keep levels to a minimum.

Designating certain rooms as off limits for pooches can help. However, help is the key word. It will not completely eliminate the problem. Dander is able to stick to clothes, hair, shoes, and packages; and even though you make the room off limits to your pooch, it can hitch a ride in on any one of these items and more. Studies have been done that show dander in places where animals have never been.

It can stay airborne for hours. And even once it settles out of the air, it can easily take flight again because of air currents and normal movements throughout your home. Its ability to stay airborne makes an air purifier with a HEPA (high efficiency particle arresting) filter that is designed to remove microscopic particles a perfect solution.

Remove invisible airborne pet dander before it becomes a huge problem for you and your family with the Pet Dander Air Purifier from at