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Raising Beef Cattle - Sources Where You Can Buy Cattle With Value For Money

2016/5/4 10:19:01

Market reports are provided on the radio and can be checked on a daily basis, along with local auction market prices on the Internet. Following the market for a couple of weeks before you purchase any cattle for sale will help you insure that you are paying a fair price for your cattle. If you have done your homework it will assist you in purchasing at a fair price whether you purchase from a local auction or an individual.

The best way to start raising beef cattle is by purchasing several high quality cows and a high quality bull herd. You will be able to raise and breed good stock through this with high quality calves, which would help your business to grow. Additionally, you have to make sure that you have enough pasture to move your herd around so that they all can access fresh grass for eating. You should also supplement your cattle's diet with plant proteins to make them healthier.

In certain areas, there are also livestock auction markets. Here livestock producers bring their animals and exhibit them through an auction ring and sold to the highest bidder. It is a system where potential buyers and sellers are brought together and a fair price established. In order to determine what may be fair, however, the potential buyer must have some idea of local market conditions and a predetermined animal type that they wish to purchase.

Market prices are quoted on the basis of the weight and sex of the animal sold. Generally nothing is reported about the condition or quality of the animals.

The correct size for your enterprise

If you want stocker cattle to put on grass, calves that weigh less than 450 pounds perform poorly on grass pasture. If cattle weigh over 750 pounds in the spring, they should not be fed on pasture. It is recommended that they be placed in a confined situation and fed a higher proportion of concentrate feeds, such as barley or corn. Make sure you have animals that fit your enterprise.

As with any purchase it is important that you get value for your money. If you are uncertain about how to purchase a beef animal then it would be best to deal with someone who is ethical and understands this side of the business. This could include a family member, friend, neighbor, local farmer or County Agent. The idea is to not go into a purchase with little or no information or background. Those interested in growing and raising beef cattle on their acreage can find this very rewarding.

Raising beef cattle can improve quality of life and provide great satisfaction and responsibility for families. Explore your options and then decide. If you would like more tips on feeding cattle and how to start a cattle farm, please visit: